Ficción religiosa y espiritual

Deepak Chopra nos trae una aventura espiritual sobre el discípulo olvidado de Cristo, una antigua escuela mistérica y el poder eterno de la fe. Antes de desaparecer repentinamente del claustro, la hermana Margaret Thomas deja un pesado relicario de oro que su sobrina, Mare, descubre entre las pertenencias de la monja. «Esto es del decimotercer discípulo -dice una nota manuscrita-. Síguelo adonde te lleve.» La nota pone en marcha un misterio milenario relacionado con el último y más verdadero discípulo de Cristo. Cuando Mare busca a su tía, empieza a darse cuenta de que el relicario encierra un secreto que bien podría cambiar la historia del cristianismo y redefinir lo que significa ser una persona de fe. A esta búsqueda de Mare se une un variopinto y reticente grupo de pecadores y escépticos: Frank, un periodista ansioso por destapar la verdad; Lily, una excéntrica madre de dos hijas que sabe más de lo que deja entrever; Galen, un misántropo con un pasado oculto, y Jimmy, auxiliar de hospital cuya fe lo sostiene incluso en las horas más bajas. Juntos intentarán dar sentido al relicario y su enigmático contenido. Pero ¿están preparados para lo que descubrirán sobre el misterioso objeto y sobre ellos mismos? Entrelazando una narración magistral, una intriga apasionante y datos que revelan una erudición bíblica y religiosa apabullante, Chopra revela verdades iluminadoras sobre Jesús, sus discípulos y, en última instancia, la misma fe. Opiniones:«Deepak Chopra es un gran tesoro. Una vez más nos ilumina, abriendo nuestra imaginación a posibilidades que están más allá de nada que hayamos visitado antes. El decimotercer discípulo es un tapiz de ideas fascinante, tejido por una delas grandes voces de nuestro tiempo.»Marianne Williamson «Deepak Chopra nunca deja de asombrarme. Si lo conoces por sus sabios consejos sobre salud, bienestar y espiritualidad, deja que te deje estupefacto también con su vívida imaginación y su talento narrativo.»Maria Shriver

Where did she go? Two years after the events of When it’s Too Late to Tell, Mark and Jade Cooke, find themselves in the best position of their ten year marriage. Mark loves Jade and Jade loves Mark, but for Mark, there is still a lingering feeling that his inadequacies will not allow him to be truly happy. Having lost his job and any hope of once again becoming the great teacher he once was, Mark feels useless. Serving as a key witness in a locally publicized trial against his ex-fiance Alicia hasn’t done him any favors either. Furthermore, he can’t seem to get his dead brother out of his mind…. Jade is proud of the transformation her and Mark’s marriage has taken. Though she would never boast about it, she also feels pride in supporting their family financially. Jade picked up a job working in a pharmaceutical firm and found herself rising through the ranks faster than anyone she has heard of before. She thought this had to be of God, but finds her fast rise seems to have come at a price…. Craig and Berta Barlow are married but neither of them would say it has been a completely happy journey. They both feel like the other has changed but Craig is the one who finds it difficult to keep his head in the conversation of what is wrong with their marriage. He tries to move forward, but the dark and ugly parts of his past make a roaring comeback; parts that Berta does not and should not know about…. Berta wishes she had a marriage like Mark and Jade, but she and Craig are two different people with a different set of expectations. She fears those differences will tear them apart. She finds out her biological father died and for some odd reason, finds it difficult to stay away from his funeral. Thus begins a winding trail of self discovery that makes her question everything, and everyone in her past. Including Craig…. Then, Jade goes missing….

Elizabeth Percy can hardly believe she is engaged to marry the honorable, brave King Reginald. Together, they will rule over the beautiful land of Comdenshire as man a wife. Soon, however, the king is called away to battle with Balefore, a neighboring kingdom. Elizabeth finds herself the bearer of an amazing amount of responsibility, and she requires the help of her close allies to keep the peace. Almost immediately, the kingdom is threatened. There is an evil force in Comdenshire, one who threatens all that is good and righteous-including Elizabeth. Conspiracies lurk in the darkened castle corners, and foes threaten to overthrow the peaceful kingdom Reginald has built. Elizabeth is the territory's only hope, yet she doubts herself. Elizabeth was not always an upright, queenly woman. She is haunted by the failings of her past and has trouble moving forward, especially Without Reginald by her side. Still, she knows Reginald loves her-has always loved her and will always love her, despite her faults. Will she keep Comdenshire at peace until his return, or will regret and a current threat bring down the joyous,

Can the mystery of Christmas unite two hurting hearts? Bailey Calderwood gives all she has to her job as an interior design assistant, but her best isn't good enough for her demanding, bed-ridden boss. For some unexplained reason Mona has turned against her. At least not everyone is out to get her. A mysterious admirer is sending her cards and flowers. Could it be her boss's son who's recently returned home in time for the holidays? Stephen Belafonte rushes home from France to be with his mother after her stroke, and is surprised by the rift between his mom and Bailey, her assistant. When his mom demands he fire Bailey, he's torn between respecting his mother's wishes and doing what's best for the family business. Can Stephen find a way to heal the rift in his family as well his own heart, or will he be forced to let Bailey go?

«Una novela profética del autor de Las sandalias del pescador.» Eminencia es una novela electrizante, escrita por un profundo conocedor del Vaticano. Un Papa conservador está a punto de dejar vacante el trono de San Pedro. Un mayordomo le roba sus diarios personales y los vende a la prensa. Un cardenal argentino, jesuita, de ideas más progresistas y con un pasado marcado por la dictadura de su país, es señalado como el próximo pontífice. Toda semejanza con la actualidad es obra del don profético de Morris West, que hace medio siglo imaginó un Papa eslavo en Las sandalias del pescador.

En este tercer volumen, Andrónico y su familia terminan de comentar el libro de los Hechos de los Apóstoles (actuales capítulos 19-28). Los grandes viajes misioneros de Pablo (comentados en El macedonio) ceden ahora el puesto a largos períodos sedentarios (dos años en Éfeso, dos en Cesarea, dos en Roma) y a los viajes finales (de Éfeso a Corinto, de Corinto a Jerusalén, de Cesarea a Roma). Los bienios de Éfeso y Cesarea, sobre los que Lucas ofrece pocos datos, sugieren a Andrónico la posibilidad de rellenarlos con la lectura de cartas de Pablo escritas en esos momentos: 1 y 2 Corintios, Romanos, Filemón y Filipenses. Los apéndices de este tercer tomo se centran en cuatro cartas de Pablo, tratándolas de manera muy desigual. Los ocho primeros están dedicados a diversos temas de la primera carta a los corintios; el 9 ofrece una posible reconstrucción de los conflictos y viajes subyacentes a 2 Corintios; el 10, una guía de lectura a la carta a los filipenses; el 11 presenta los ocho primeros capítulos de la carta a los romanos, con una mezcla de ficción y exposición; el 12 intenta responder, sin conseguirlo, al misterio que plantea el final abrupto de Lucas: ¿qué le ocurrió a Pablo tras la llegada a Roma?; el 13, en una tarea igualmente descabellada, ofrece una nota sobre la cronología paulina.