Obiba, a rich man and Aba are lovers who plan to marry in the future, but Obiba jilts Aba after he has caused her an irreparable harm and goes for another woman whom he marries. In a state of emotional pains, Aba curses Obiba for causing her an irreparable harm and for jilting her. Consequently, Aba's curse makes Obiba lose his riches. In an attempt to acquire riches again, Obiba consults a goddess who makes him rich. One day, Obiba slaps a mad woman who snatches his bag from him, but the mad woman is the goddess in disguise. To take vengeance, the goddess goes to Obiba in the exact form and image of his wife and makes romance with him while Obiba does not know that she is not his real wife and that she is an impostor. What transpires between the goddess and Obiba during the romance session makes Obiba have a baby in his belly. Medical tests carried out on him prove that there is a baby in his belly to the surprise of all and sundry. How Obiba, a husband has a baby in his belly and how the baby survives in his belly and comes out of his belly is what the story unfolds.
El monje que vendió su Ferrari es una fábula espiritual que, desde hace más de quince años, ha marcado la vida de millones de personas en todo el mundo. A través de sus páginas, conocemos la extraordinaria historia de Julian Mantle, un abogado de éxito que, tras sufrir un ataque al corazón, debe afrontar el gran vacío de su existencia. Inmerso en esta crisis existencial, Julian toma la radical decisión de vender todas sus pertenencias y viajar a la India. Es en un monasterio del Himalaya donde aprende las sabias y profundas lecciones de los monjes sobre la felicidad, el coraje, el equilibrio y la paz interior. Con esta historia tan especial e inolvidable, Robin Sharma nos enseña, paso a paso, una nueva manera de enfocar la vida personal, profesional y familiar. Nos muestra lo importante que es emprender un recorrido vital con una dirección clara, con pasión y armonía interior. *** Más de 5 millones de libros vendidos. Reseña:«Los libros de Robin Sharma ayudan a personas de todo el mundo a vivir una vida extraordinaria.»Paulo Coelho, autor de El alquimista
Falling in love can feel a lot like tumbling down a mountain C.J. Lancaster's job as a tabloid journalist takes her to the Sundance Film Festival to interview an actress. She tries to charm her way past the movie star's youngest brother-in-law, Sam, and somehow ends up on an "undate" with him. If C.J. were ready to date, the fun-loving veteran would be her first choice, but since she's still healing from her ex-husband's affair, she knows it will be safer if she scares her new "friendboy" away. Sam Lake is intrigued-he's never had to pursue a woman, and he can't get C.J. out of his mind. Whether it's how she likes to eat ice cream in winter or the way she gets his nieces and nephews to gang up on him in a snowball fight, he feels more at home with her than his oversized family. But when his own issues arise, he realizes C.J. might be right about avoiding a relationship with him. Can the two of them overcome the emotional mountains in their lives to be together, or will they remain a "noncouple" forever?
«?Sandro, obre els ulls! No hi sobreviuràs ni mitja hora; mai no has sortit dels passadissos emmoquetats de les biblioteques i les aules climatitzades. ?Els viatges formen la joventut ?va dir ell mentre obria la porta. ?Si et refies de les dites, pensa en aquesta. Una dita brasilera... En Sandro es va aturar però no es va girar. El rector va fer una pausa, per retenir-lo encara més. Llavors va continuar, dient molt lentament: ?"No es torna mai de la selva amazònica"».La selva tropical sembla contenir l'alè en la calor humida del capvespre. Asseguda davant la seva cabana, l'Elianta mira en Sandro, que s'apropa a ella. Per què aquest estrany misteriós s'acosta per destruir la pau i la serenitat de la seva tribu? Què han fet ells per merèixer-ho? La determinació de l'Elianta per salvar els seus és cada vegada més gran, i no permetrà de cap de les maneres que aquest intrús acabi amb la felicitat del seu poble.
Los personajes de este cómic son los niños y el mundo en el que viven. Un mundo la mayoría de las veces ignorado por los adultos. Los dibujos presentados en el libro intentan reflejar la historia del niño, sus vivencias, desde el momento de su concepción hasta que va a la escuela y se integra con otros de su edad. El título es ya representativo de lo que encontramos en su interior: una reivindicación de la sensibilidad del niño precisamente como camino para llegar a una familia y una sociedad más humana y agradable.Índice1. Esperando un niño. 2. Cosas de padres. 3. Este mundo tan raro y tan malo. 4. Los porqués. 5. Las máquinas, los juguetes. 6. La ciudad.
Sagamore es un joven ingenuo, originario de no se sabe bien qué lejano país, y que ha llegado a París con la pretensión de encontrar la felicidad. En su búsqueda, Sagamore se encuentra con Joy, una niña muy especial, que le hace de guía con un místico y jovial entusiasmo; es un torrente de vida que provoca afablemente a todo el que se encuentra, y que les conmociona en lo más íntimo de su ser. Un relato apasionante, lleno de humanidad, de sencillez y de espiritualidad.ÍndiceÍndice 1. El hombre que dormía en los árboles ..................... 9 2. La casa del silencio que habla ................................ 14 3. ¿Has encontrado la felicidad?................................. 23 4. El círculo de luz ...................................................... 35 5. El hombre del justo medio...................................... 40 6. El pequeño señor de los arroyos y de las fuentes ... 46 7. Las «Tesorizaciones» de Joy .................................. 59 8. No hay mayor amor ................................................ 67 9. El reino de Joy ........................................................ 75 10. S.D.Q. (Si Dios Quiere).......................................... 84 11. Las tribulaciones de Sagamore ............................... 89 12. Diálogos con el descifrador de lo invisible ............ 96 13. El bienaventurado enigma del Ángel ..................... 102 14. Ese lugar que es el vínculo entre la nada total y el gran todo ............................ 110 15. La buena fortuna ..................................................... 114 16. El Frente de Liberación de la Alegría de Vivir ....... 119 17. ¿Qué cosas bellas has hecho? ................................. 126 18. Los desayunos de silencio ...................................... 133 19. Paisajes en los rostros ............................................. 141 20. Dominio del ser: Perdón-Gracias-Te amo .............. 145 21. La quietud triunfante .............................................. 154 22. Los misterios del hombre del Rolls-Royce negro y marfil ......................................................... 160 23. La riqueza interior .................................................. 165 24. Pequeña y bonita escapada ..................................... 177 25. La parábola de las malas hierbas de las frambuesas y de las ortigas ........................... 185 26. El divino don del discernimiento ........................... 193 27. Ocasiones de felicidad y felicidades de ocasión..... 200 28. La felicidad accidental ............................................ 211 29. La cittadella ............................................................ 225 30. «Permitirse vivir» ................................................... 233 31. Balada de la perfecta alegría.................................. 243 32. Revelación .............................................................. 255 33. La fiesta toscana ..................................................... 259 34. El sufrimiento y la gracia ....................................... 267 35. La presencia en la ausencia .................................... 279 36. Paz real ................................................................... 289
Los ensayos incluidos en este libro pueden agruparse en torno a un gran tema: la necesaria relación que mantiene el ser humano con personas diferentes de él. Todorov parte de su propia experiencia de exiliado y del estudio de momentos clave de la historia y de los autores que han reflexionado sobre la diversidad humana para analizar el descubrimiento del otro, la relación entre el yo y el otro en una misma sociedad, entre nosotros y los otros, entre indígenas y extranjeros. La existencia humana tiene un carácter necesariamente de diálogo y sólo es posible en relación con los demás. De ahí la necesidad de analizar nuestros actos sociales, nuestros regímenes políticos y el encuentro entre culturas, nuestra capacidad de imaginar obras, sentidos, ideales, una espiritualidad, un cosmos. Entre otros temas de este libro apasionante, Todorov se sumerge en la conquista de América, paradigma del descubrimiento del otro, y en la música de Mozart, la filosofía de La Rochefoucauld, las novelas de Stendhal o el teatro de Beckett, para rastrear los rasgos constitutivos de la dignidad humana. Y para demostrar que los valores humanistas no son una invención sino algo a redescubrir una y otra vez.
Hooked on Praise is a powerful, timely guide to cultivating a personal lifestyle of worship. The author shares the?joy, passion, and power she has experienced from over 20 years of leading a living in the secret place of the Most High. ??It encourages readers to draw near to God in worship and how to effectively tap into his presence. ?It explores the dynamics of being committed to a lifestyle of worship and worship that pleases god. ?It reveals how praise empower, transforms and sustains a true worshipper. ?It is an indepth study of how important our personal time of worship is to our spiritual growth. ?It makes a case for becoming hooked on praise which will in turn transform every area of thier lives. ?The author uses key tenants of worship from A-Z to provoke the reader to persue the presence of God. ?It teaches the reader how to offer praise that God will accept. ?In addition it outlines the pletora of benefits that one receives as they press into God's presence. ?Praise?grants a worshipper intimacy with the King, access to the throne of God, ?gives them favor, qualifies them for service, and facilitate
Fiction Favours the Facts – a collection of 22 Bible-based micro-tales. “When the tally was complete, it took my breath away and a voice kept saying in my head, ‘This can’t be real!’ But it was real. There was no doubt about it. 185,000 corpses, and I was the one who had to deal with them.”Assyrian undertaker in “185,000 times 55” “I threw the money back at them and turned away. I can still see the coins bouncing on the floor of the temple.” Judas Iscariot in “He promised us life” Fiction Favours the Facts – a collection of 22 Bible-based micro-tales. Some tell of little-known Bible characters, while others concentrate on an incident in the life of one of the more famous Bible characters. Cain and Abel; Noah and his family; Paul and Silas; Daniel; Ebed-melech; Mark; Peter; Moses and Aaron; Judas Iscariot; Rebecca; Simeon; Jeroboam; Elijah and many others share their experiences with us. Each micro-tale gives us something to think about. Fiction Favours the Facts Written by Mark Morgan (Bible Tales Online). Interested in more Bible-based micro-tales? Bible Tales Online currently publishes a weekly online newsletter including a new Bible-based micro-tale every two weeks. To sign up for the free newsletter, visit
At the age of twenty, I had no idea how to handle the death of my father who was taken so soon. I have lost loved ones before throughout my life, but never one that hit so close to home.The thought of living life without him overwhelmed me, but I think the actual process of learning to live without him scared me just as much.?How do I handle this grief?? ?Are these feelings normal?? ?Where do I go from here?? ?Will it always feel like this?? My hope is to let you know that you are not alone in this journey of losing a loved one. Despite each of our situations being completely unique to every one of us as individuals, there are some universal truths and direction for all of us as daughters and sons in Christ. These words are meant to encourage, uplift, and give some direction in a very vulnerable, uncertain time. I pray that in reading and implementing these concepts and, most importantly, daily communication with God, you will press forward in the plans and purposes that God still has for your life. This is a good read for those who have personally faced a loss, or know someone who has.?
Metal sculptor Hope Michaels gave up on art when her creativity was zapped by another person's actions. Burying herself in her electrical contracting business, Hope takes a job on Wildflower Island. She never imagines that a job at the Wildflower Resort will turn everything in her life upside down. But that's exactly what happens when her best friend and employer, Piper, plays matchmaker. A lonely widower throws all his energy into raising his teenage daughter, but when he is promoted to manager of the Wildflower Resort, things at home don't go as smoothly as planned. Worried about his relationship with his daughter, he seeks advice from a feisty-but-sweet newcomer. Will she help smooth his path or will things only get more complicated?