Ficción religiosa y espiritual

It's been over a year and yet Dale still feels numb, like he is only half alive. Meanwhile Ava is running away from her past and Kathleen struggles to keep the dance studio, Joy's legacy, alive amidst mounting bills. The road to healing from loss is a slow one, sometimes going backward and sideways before going forward. Sometimes the biggest barrier to healing lies within us. Join Dale, Kathleen, Ava and others as they journey through the road to forgiveness and healing. "Healing is a slow process. It's a slow waltz. It can't be rushed. But it can help if you have others by your side," Pastor Joe tells Ava. Book III in the Dancing through Life Series, this book is for anyone in need of healing from life's hurts.


You never expect your life to change when you go on a run, but that's exactly what happened to Zach. In his third year of law school, stability and success are on the near horizon for thirty-year-old Zach when a storm of misfortune send his life into a tailspin. Struggling to find healing in the midst of his pain, he pursues various spiritual, physical, and emotional remedies. At a pivotal moment, Zach takes off on a run through the picturesque Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, only to meet some very unexpected people. When Zach returns from his run, his life looks entirely different-but not in the way he expected. What Zach encounters will provide him insights into his past experiences and pain...and shed light on the innumerable dimensions of God-the concept of "the Quadity." His journey provides answers to the deepest questions asked about spirituality, the divine, and what we can truly know about God.

Un extraordinario relato basado en la vida de Albert Michael Websbourgh y en la experiencia que cambió radicalmente su conducta. Pocos años atrás, en una prisión de Inglaterra, Albert Michael Wensbourgh, un recluso muy violento, se convirtió repentinamente en un hombre de extrema bondad. ¿Qué sucedió para que se operara tal cambio de personalidad? Interrogado, Wensbourgh contó que un ángel era el artificie de tal transformación, y cuando los psiquiatras y especialistas lo estudiaron no pudieron hallar ningún tipo de desequilibro en su mente. El caso suscitó la curiosidad de muchos periodistas, pero fue la joven escritora española María Vallejo-Nágera quien tuvo la oportunidad de entrevistar a Wensbourgh y trabajar con él en la confección de este libro.

En este volumen, Andrónico y su familia siguen comentando el libro de los Hechos, concretamente los actuales capítulos 13-18, donde se cuentan tres viajes de Pablo: una misión en la zona sur y central de la actual Turquía, una ida a Jerusalén para resolver las tensiones surgidas entre esa comunidad y la de Antioquía de Siria, y otro viaje misionero, que, tras la visión del macedonio, lo lleva a diversas ciudades griegas, desde Filipos hasta Corinto. Pero Andrónico aprovecha la lectura de los Hechos para que su familia conozca algunas cartas de Pablo, bien íntegramente (Gálatas y 1 Tesalonicenses), o en algunas de sus partes (1 Corintios, Romanos). Para la inmensa mayoría de los católicos actuales, que de las cartas de Pablo sólo sabe que existen, que se leen en la misa, y que no hay quien las entienda, el contacto con estos textos puede suponer una grande y agradable sorpresa.ÍndiceIntroducción PARTE I La búsqueda 1. Confesiones del primer evangelista 2. Viaje a Antioquía 3. Visita a Éfeso PARTE II La apuesta 1. Los siete libros de José 2. Recuerdos (I) 3. Recuerdos (II) 4. Oraciones 191 5. Un sábado en familia 6. El templo de Jerusalén 7. Los esenios 231 8. Saduceos y fariseos 9. La crisis 10. El desenlace PARTE III El encuentro 1. Prólogo 2. La sorpresa 3. La comunidad y sus ideas 4. Primer contacto con el libro 5. El discípulo amado 6. Visita a la comunidad 7. El himno inicial 8. El Bautista y los primeros discípulos 9. Boda en Caná 10. El templo, Nicodemo y Juan 11. Jesús, en Samaría 12. El agua, el pozo y la fuente 13. El padre del niño enfermo 14. El pan de vida 15. Historia del libro 16. Padres e hijos 17. La cabaña de Lucas y la fiesta de las Chozas 18. Sigo con la fiesta de las Chozas 19. Lázaro 20. La única tentación de Cristo 21. Despedida de la comunidad 22. Clase particular 23. Regalos de despedida 24. Doce regalos de Jesús 25. El relato de la pasión 26. Apariciones Epílogo

A Brilliant and Moving Christian Romance Novella Who Sets the Rules For Love? Dawn Jasper may be gifted at helping others, but all she sees in herself is someone with a track record of disaster and heartache. She decides that everyone else would be better off if they weren't involved with her. While Dawn goes about running her Bed and Breakfast and trying to avoid emotional entanglements, Ryan Benning, a widower, and his two young sons move into town. The widower turns out to be the new town doctor and he desperately needs Dawn's help.

Un libro para subir el ánimo. Una mujer joven y una anciana enferma nos enseñan lo que es realmente importante.

«Tot em separa d’un monjo catòlic. Jo no crec en Déu i ell, probablement, no creu en l’inconscient. Per ell, la veritat és divina, s’ha manifestat als humans i fins i tot s’ha encarnat en un home. Per mi, la veritat és humana, ens resulta amagada i no ens arriba si no és a través d’allò que no sabem. La paraula li arriba de fora; a mi, de dins. Ell ha buscat viure més enllà de la condició humana amb el celibat, la pobresa, una comunitat d’homes, la vida religiosa. La meva vida i el meu treball, al contrari, estan immergits en la diferència dels sexes i de les generacions, en la societat del meu temps i la recerca científica.» A través del diàleg filosòfic, Marie Balmary expressa la seva visió de les relacions entre religió i psicoanàlisi, a la recerca no tant del que guareix sinó del que salva. És un diàleg on el verb creure es conjuga sense complements. Un intercanvi on un Déu que demana sacrificis —un ogre devorador d’ànimes— és confrontat a un Déu de la paraula que apel·la l’ésser humà a expressar un jo profund i un nosaltres significatiu. Una conversa que oscil·la entre l’agnosticisme i la creença, entre el judaisme i el cristianisme, entre l’experiència interreligiosa i el manteniment de les identitats.

It was on my 17th birthday that I first heard – or felt – God’s voice.  In those days, we seemed to have a happy extended family in Anathoth and I was welcome in it.  Times are different now… From a family of priests in the peaceful reign of good King Josiah, came a young man, Jeremiah, bringing words from God to his people.  It was no message for the fainthearted, either.  It was a message of Terror on Every Side! A young king and a young prophet.  What could they do together for the people of Israel?  Could the disaster be averted? Jeremiah was a prophet of God for over 40 years, warning of judgement on the nation of Judah and all the nations around.  Few would listen at all, and fewer still would take him seriously.  Jeremiah lived to see the prophecies of destruction come true.  No-one would believe his words until it was too late – and then there was Terror on Every Side! Terror on Every Side! The Life of Jeremiah: Volume 1 – Early Days (Volume 1 of 5). Body text size: 9.5pt Written by Mark Morgan (Bible Tales Online). The words of God came to Jeremiah as a fire, burning within him, and with them, his lifetime mission – a prophet to the nations. Walk with Jeremiah as he begins his life's work.  Share his unfolding difficulties: opposition from family, friends and the leaders of the nation.  Join him in his struggle to understand God's ways and the value of obedience. Meet King Josiah, one of the greatest kings of Judah and watch as he begins to work with Jeremiah to invigorate and reform the worship of God. Subsequent volumes: Volume 2 – As Good As It Gets Volume 3 – Darkness Falling Volume 4 – The Darkness Deepens Volume 5 – No Remedy Mark Morgan (Bible Tales Online)

Racism is not a skin problem, it is a SIN problem. Bishop Webb preaches that violence begets violence, but unity with the brethren will always invite the Holy Spirit in. Recognizing that you can be angry and sin not, Dr. Webb believes that righteous anger turns ordinary people into heroes who shape the course of history. He invites us to be part of the solution, and urges those hurt by racism not to let the adversity destroy their character, but instead let it define their character. Consistency is powerful, and Dr. Webb opens our eyes to the consistent opportunities to stand firm in our conviction that if God is no respecter of persons, we should follow His example and embrace our differences with Christ-like love.

What happens when city doctor Joey Winters meets country lawyer Brad Freeman? Nothing, because Joey is determined to stay unattached. Rural Freeman, Oklahoma is not in her life plan, which means falling for a handsome small-town lawyer is out of the question. Too bad she forgot to tell her heart. However, when Joey’s painful past haunts her, she realizes she will never have a meaningful relationship with any man unless she battles her demons. She knows she needs help but believes God abandoned her long ago. Add in a gorgeous banker named Evan, and the doctor’s life seems to spin out of control. Can Joey trust in God? Does He even care about her?

The fate of an entire kingdom rests on the shoulders of a girl committed to not let the Old Testament Scrolls disappear into oblivion. Adventure is most easily found when it is not sought. Alacia only seeks purpose for her life. Carter seeks help from no one. The king of Chylon seeks a goddess to become his queen, and he is ruthless in his pursuit of her. All of Chylon seeks peace. Until they seek God, the adventure could destroy them all. What would happen if the Bible was obliterated? How would God's people survive? What would happen to their faith? Under Antiochus' regime in 542 B.C., the Old Testament barely survived total extinction. In Chylon, the Testament Scrolls face a similar threat of obliteration...and only those who believe in the God of the Scrolls are equipped to battle the warring forces of evil. Full-color illustrated first edition. New.

Even angels sometimes have to act on faith to get the Plan back on track… Samuel, a secret agent angel on Earth, sometimes has to improvise when things go badly wrong. Over forty years of angelic missions come to a head in a fire at a snowbound truck stop when a fire demon comes to destroy one man’s faith—or his life. The only chance for success rests with the spiritual power of the humans whom Samuel has tried to prepare for the struggle, but have they gained enough spiritual strength and awareness…or, if not, does God have a Plan B?