Ir al contenidoEstudios literarios: ficción, novelistas y prosistas
Ben cumprida unha década despois do primeiro Curso de Primavera cervantino celebrado na Facultade de Humanidades, volvemos a toma-la pluma para renovar aquel tributo conmemorativo, esta vez endereitado á Segunda Parte, cuxo cuarto centenario nos convocou en Lugo en abril de 2015. No noso ánimo estaba honra-la memoria do Enxeñoso cabaleiro don Quixote da Mancha con renovados bríos, propios de quen no cultivo das Humanidades loitan día a día en pro de quimeras aínda vixentes e que non se poden pasar por alto: ensinar, aprender, gozar das artes, soñar tempos mellores...
Con la amenidad y el humor característicos de todas sus novelas, David Lodge nos brinda, un libro agradable y altamente instructivo que está destinado a convertirse en una obra de referencia para estudiantes de literatura, escritores en ciernes y todo aquel que desee conocer el engranaje de las novelas. Tomando como pretexto a escritores tan diversos como Charles Dickens, E. M. Forster, Evelyn Waugh, Kingsley y Martin Amis, Henry James, John Updike o Philip Roth, David Lodge nos ofrece una descripción sistemática, comprensiva y cabal de los recursos estilísticos y los métodos narrativos a través de los cuales las novelas transmiten sus significados y surten los efectos que surten en los lectores. Sobre todo, de cómo los descubrimientos en Inteligencia Artificial, neurociencia y biología evolucionista han renovado y revolucionado la manera de encarar, tanto por parte del escritor como del lector, el lenguaje de la novela.
The Harry Potter series may be named after the Boy Who Lived, but if you want to know the story, keep your eyes fixed on Severus Snape. This hook-nosed, greasy-haired, grumpy character is one of J.K. Rowling's enduring gifts to English literature. He's the archetypal ill-tempered teacher: acerbic, yet horribly, deliciously funny. When he's in a scene, you can't take your eyes off him. Snape is always the story. - From the Introduction In this examination of J.K. Rowling's most enigmatic character, Lorrie Kim shows us how to sort through the illusions and lies to the man who dared to spy on Voldemort. In his final moments, he asks Harry, and the reader, to "Look at me." This book does just that.
PAPERBACK CONFIDENTIAL: Crime Writers of the Paperback Era by Brian Ritt ? These are the authors who turned out the dark noirs and hardboiled thrillers, private detective puzzles and psychological suspense, police procedurals and backwood melodramas, stories of passion? and cold-blooded murder. 132 profiles of the men and women who wrote the books that became the backbone of the Pulp and Paperback Era from the 1930s through the 1960s. ? Here you will find information on the acknowledged masters like Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, James M. Cain and Cornell Woolrich?.and the rack mainstays like Gil Brewer, Brett Halliday, Day Keene and Charles Williams?plus the more obscure, ripe for rediscovery, like Malcolm Braly, Elisabeth Sanxay Holding, Ennis Willie and Douglas Sanderson. ? Each profile contains details about the author's life and explores key works, with special attention paid to series characters. Also covered are screenplay and teleplay work, as well as movies based on the authors' stories. ? Paperback Confidential also includes a handy PseudoDex with all the various names these authors wr