ELT: teoría y métodos de enseñanza

This text is a highly accessible and authoritative approach to the theory and practice of teaching writing to students of English. This book is an accessible and authoritative approach to the theory and practice of teaching writing to students of English. It sets out the key issues in second language writing instruction to offer both pre-service and in-service teachers a guide to writing instruction grounded in current theory and research. The author takes the stance that student writers not only need realistic strategies for drafting and revising, but also a clear understanding of genre to structure their writing experience according to the demands and constraints of particular target contexts. This book will be extremely useful to prospective and practicing teachers alike.

El Curso de Inglés Definitivo es un curso con 41 libros, 41 CD’s y 41 DVD’s. Se divide en tres niveles de inglés general (principiante, intermedio y avanzado) e incluye un apartado adicional con inglés para el trabajo. Se trata de un curso íntegramente diseñado para estudiar por cuenta propia y en él se sintetizan las principales líneas del sistema de enseñanza de Richard Vaughan. El Curso de Inglés Definitivo es el resultado de más de 30 años de experiencia en la enseñanza del inglés a hablantes de castellano y en la elaboración de materiales para el estudio del idioma.

The Communicative Value of Intonation in English, originally published in 1985 by the English Language Research unit in Birmingham and revised in 1992, sets out David Brazil's description of the system of intonation in English. This model of English intonation takes a discourse-based approach and attempts to assign 'meaning' or a communicative value to the different aspects that make up the system of intonation. Chapters within the book descibe parts of the intonation system which vary according to speaker choice: the tone unit as a whole, prominence, key, pitch and orientation. Three chapters are devoted to tones and their communicative value. This is an important and controversial work, which has influenced scholars in the field and ELT materials writers alike. A cassette containing all the examples of intonation features in the book is available.

This book is designed to give language teachers a basis for introducing a cultural component into their teaching. The paperback edition is a collection of selected essays that attempts to provide language teachers with a basis for introducing a cultural component into their teaching. It includes essays written especially for the volume, as well as some that have been previously published.

Recognizing that teachers are often involved in planning and developing courses as part of their responsibilities, the authors have set out to describe the factors which must be considered in constructing courses and materials. They cover: the fact-finding stage, establishing realistic goals, surveying existing programmes, realizing goals through instructional plans, selecting the shape of the syllabus, and considerations involved in constructing communicative curricula and syllabuses. All of these aspects are considered against current theories of language learning. Examples of different types of materials are discussed, and the process of creating materials is described as the link between the syllabus and the audience. It ends with a survey of the practical issues involved in organizing writing projects. It is intended for teachers (and teachers in training) who may be involved in course planning and materials development either on a larger scale, or simply within their own institution.

This book aims to provide the reader with a general framework for the study of Sociolinguistics. The training and knowledge gained by reading and using this course book will introduce the student to the fascinating world of languages in interaction and may also awaken the reader's interest in researching other aspects of this field. This book can also serve language teachers, and CLIL teachers, as a basic training in sociolinguistics, language variation, language contact, and language education as part of their preparation for teaching tasks in the language classroom. A considerable variety of ways in which language and society are interconnected and interact is presented in this book. There are many possible relations between language and society and some of them will be presented in these pages. Social configuration and organisation also determine linguistic structure and usage showing that the relationship between language and society is bidirectional.

Traditionally, the classroom has been seen as a place where language learning takes place in a linear manner on a fairly predictable input-output model. Recent research, however, has portrayed the classroom as a complex environment which is influenced by a wide range of attitudinal and contextual factors. The Dynamics of the Language Classroom seeks to explore the dynamic and frequently unpredictable nature of the language classroom. It does this by examining the various conceptions of language, learning, and of the classroom which influence participants' attitudes and actions. The interaction between methodology and context and the role of local cultures of learning is also examined. It then concludes with a number of recommendations as to how language educators may work constructively with the complex dynamics of classroom teaching and learning.

Teachers need a clear description of what constitutes grammar and how it can best be taught in the English language classroom. This book illustrates a new way of describing the grammar of spoken and written English and demonstrates how lexical phrases, frames and patterns provide a link between grammar and vocabulary. These processes and techniques are contextualised within a task-based approach to teaching and learning. Numerous interactive tasks are provided to guide readers. Over 40 examples of teaching exercises are included to illustrate techniques which can be applied in the classroom immediately.

English for Specific Purposes offers the teacher a new perspective on this important field. The main concern is effective learning and how this can best be achieved in ESP courses. The authors discuss the evolution of ESP and its position today; the role of the ESP teacher; course design; syllabuses; materials; teaching methods, and evaluation procedures. It will be of interest to all teachers who are concerned with ESP. Those who are new to the field will find it a thorough, practical introduction while those with more extensive experience will find its approach both stimulating and innovative.