ELT: teoría y métodos de enseñanza

This is the updated version of 'the' teacher training course for teachers and trainee teachers preparing for the Cambridge ESOL Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT). This book includes everything you need to prepare for the test. The revised second edition contains three brand new model TKT practice tests, new tips for preparing for the TKT, an additional unit on approaches to language teaching tested in the TKT, completely rewritten tasks in every unit, and revised ELT terms and concepts matching the latest Cambridge ESOL TKT Glossary. This best-selling course has been written in collaboration with Cambridge ESOL by a team of experienced TKT writers. It provides a comprehensive and reliable package for TKT candidates, as well as for teachers preparing for other initial teacher training qualifications and those on in-service training programmes.

En esta obra se desarrolla una propuesta didáctica que consiste en la utilización de los álbumes ilustrados para la enseñanza bilingüe inglés/español. Se trata de un manual para la enseñanza conjunta de dos sistemas lingüísticos y culturales diferentes aplicada a las etapas de la Educación Infantil y Primaria y que se apoya en el trabajo con libros de las diversas disciplinas (Matemáticas, Ciencias, Lectura, etc.). Su metodología se basa en el empleo de los álbumes ilustrados como base para el crecimiento integral del alumno, con el fin de asentar su competencia bilingüe tanto oral como escrita desde las edades más tempranas. Las autoras son bilingües y han impartido docencia en Estados Unidos y Canadá, países pioneros en este tipo de enseñanza, y han aplicado las metodologías más difundidas en esos países a los distintos grados de la educación básica y media, lo que avala sus conocimientos para la implantación de esta metodología, tanto desde los estudios teóricos como en la práctica pedagógica.ÍndiceIntroducción. Storytelling: concepto y características. Enseñanza a partir de Storytelling. Debate y análisis de los cuentos. Historias para los niños. Desarrollando actividades de lectura y escritura. Los alumnos crean sus historias. Actividades en torno a los relatos. Beneficios de Storytelling. El impacto de la literatura en el aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera.

This book provides a range of ready-to-use materials and practical guidance for teachers who are looking for ways to make their language teaching less detached, and more centred on the individual learner.

Pragmatics in Language Teaching examines the acquisition of language use in social contexts in second and foreign language classrooms. Included are 2 state-of-the-art survey chapters, and 11 chapters reporting the results of empirical research. The empirical studies cover three areas: incidental acquisition of pragmatics in instructed contexts, the effects of instruction in pragmatics, and the assessment of pragmatics ability. The studies address a number of areas in pragmatics, from speech acts and discourse markers to conversational routines and address terms, and represent a range of target languages and contexts in the United States, Asia, and Europe.

El presente texto contiene una selección de temas de carácter jurídico, elegidos tras un riguroso estudio de las materias que con más asiduidad son exigidas por los Tribunales Calificadores de las pruebas a plazas de personal laboral de las distintas Corporaciones Locales, lo que es una garantía para el opositor que desee encontrar en este manual los contenidos que le interesan.

The influence of cognitive processing on second language acquisition (SLA), and on the development of second language (SL) instruction, has always been a subject of major interest to both SLA researchers and those involved in SL pedagogy. Recent theoretical research into SLA and SL pedagogy has shown renewed interest in the role of cognitive variables such as attention, short, working, and long term memory, and automaticity of language processing. This volume first examines the theoretical foundations of research into the cognitive processes underlying SLA, and then describes various implications for pedagogically oriented research and for SL classroom practice. The blend of research from the cognitive sciences and applied linguistics make it an excellent introduction to applied linguists and language teachers interested in the psycholinguistic processes underlying SLA.

This text introduces an area of educational research, "teacher learning," as it applies to the teaching of languages. The paperback edition introduces a new field of educational research called "teacher learning," as it applies to the teaching of languages. Seventeen original articles, based on studies done in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia, provide examples of theory and research into teacher learning and of the role that previous experience, social context, and professional training play in the process.