Cutting Edge 3rd edition edition builds on the task-based learning approach that has made. Cutting Edge so popular. With fresh, new, integrated dvd material and digital components, learners can be confi dent of improving their language skills through acarefully balanced range of activities.
Based on the communicative approach, and drawing on the best of current thinking and practice, face2face prepares students for real world communication. This new edition provides specific help for Spanish speakers. The face2face Class Audio CDs include all the recordings for use in the classroom including the unique Help with Listening sections and models of all key vocabulary and grammar which can be used for pronunciation practice and drilling.
Based on the communicative approach, and drawing on the best of current thinking and practice, face2face prepares students for real world communication. This new edition provides specific help for Spanish speakers. The face2face Class Audio CDs contain all the listening material for the Student's Book and the Teacher's Book. This includes authentic conversations and interviews, the listening sections of the Help with Listening worksheets, and Progress Tests for units 5 and 10.
Lifestyle is designed to meet the everyday language requirements of people who need English for work, travel and socialising. As well as dealing with how people communicate at work, it also helps learners interact effectively outside of the work environment, enabling them to ?get things done? in a variety of situations. Lifestyle Active Teach contains everything a teacher will need for the course in the classroom. It can be used with a computer and a projector or with an interactive whiteboard. It includes: All the audio and video from the book. All the pages with a ?zoom in? and ?zoom out? feature. Fully functional IWB tools. The ability to save all your notes alongside the relevant page of the Student?s Book. Extra resources including review games and activities
New Total English retains all the popular features of the original edition including clear CEF-related objectives which make lesson planning easy. There is a solid grammar syllabus with regular Active Grammar boxes and Reference and Review sections. It also has a strong focus on vocabulary with attention to collocations and now includes an on-line Vocabulary Trainer at each level.
Speakout is a comprehensive English course that helps adult learners gain confidence in all skill areas using authentic materials from the BBC. With its wide range of support material, it meets the diverse needs of learners in a variety of teaching situations and helps to bridge the gap between the classroom and the real world.
The 3rd edition of this ever popular course combines some fantastic new materials with all the features that have made this course a bestseller. Market Leader Class Audio CDs include all the audio material for use in class.
Cambridge English First for Schools 1 contains four tests for the First for Schools exam, also known as First Certificate in English (FCE) for Schools. Cambridge English: First for Schools 1 contains four complete, authentic tests for the First for Schools exam from Cambridge ESOL. These examination papers provide the most authentic exam preparation available, allowing candidates to familiarise themselves with the content of the exam and to practise exam techniques. Colour visual material for Paper 5 is included with each test. This Student's Book is also available as a 'without answers' edition for classroom use. Audio CDs (2) containing the exam Listening material and a Self-study Pack containing the Student's Book with answers and Audio CDs are available separately.
Speakout is a comprehensive English course that helps adult learners gain confidence in all skill areas using authentic materials from the BBC. With its wide range of support material, it meets the diverse needs of learners in a variety of teaching situations and helps to bridge the gap between the classroom and the real world.
Speakout is a comprehensive English course that helps adult learners gain confidence in all skill areas using authentic materials from the BBC. With its wide range of support material, it meets the diverse needs of learners in a variety of teaching situations and helps to bridge the gap between the classroom and the real world.
Cambridge English Empower for Spanish Speakers es un curso general para adultos que combina contenido de Cambridge University Press con la reconocida evaluación de Cambridge English Language Assessment, y ahora en su nueva edición English for Spanish Speakers ofrece ayuda específica para alumnos hispanohablantes de inglés. Esta mezcla única de material para clase interesante y fiable junto a la práctica online personalizada permite a los alumnos progresar de forma firme y medible. El curso incluye imágenes y textos fascinantes diseñados para despertar la curiosidad de los alumnos, que los motiva para hablar al tiempo que los prepara para una comunicación eficiente en el mundo real. Los contenidos de cada nivel se basan en el English Profile y el Cambridge English Corpus, y se ciñen estrictamente al MCER, lo que asegura que los alumnos aprendan los elementos lingüísticos más relevantes y útiles en el momento correcto de su aprendizaje. Los CDs de audio para clase proporcionan todo el contenido de ejercicios de comprensión oral del Student's Book.
Citizen Z está dirigido a la generación actual de adolescentes, con sus propias necesidades, intereses y aspiraciones. Los jóvenes viven en un mundo que requiere nuevas habilidades y preparación, para que en el futuro puedan ocupar su lugar como ciudadanos del mundo. Citizen Z ha sido escrito tomando esto en cuenta... tanto dentro como fuera del aula, el curso va más allá de desarrollar el idioma, formando al propio estudiante en su totalidad - y haciendo énfasis en el pensamiento crítico, los valores, la autoestima y las destrezas para la vida - asegurando el éxito académico y para toda la vida. El DVD incluye todos los vídeos que aparecen en el Student's Book.
Citizen Z is a secondary course that prepares today's teenagers to take their place in the world. Whether inside or outside the classroom, Citizen Z goes beyond building strong language skills to developing the whole learner. This Test Generator CD-ROM is the ideal assessment tool: you decide what you want to test and the Test Generator does the rest for you, allowing you to quickly create, edit and save tests that are suited to the specific needs of your students.
New Cutting Edge is the best-selling adult course known worldwide for its practical approach to task based learning combined with a comprehensive grammar and skills syllabus. The course has a strong emphasis on vocabulary and pronunciation.
The best-selling English Pronunciation in Use is a comprehensive reference and practice book suitable for self-study or classroom work. Sixty easy-to-use units cover all aspects of pronunciation, including individual sounds, word stress, connected speech and intonation. The versions with audio CDs include audio material in a range of accents, supporting each unit. An additional reference section offers a glossary of specialized terms, help with the pronunciation of numbers and geographical names and fun exercises on phonemic symbols and minimal pairs. The version with CD-ROM provides a wide variety of additional interactive activities to reinforce the pronunciation covered in the book, as well as tests, progress checks, games and animated diagrams of the mouth showing learners how to produce individual sounds. Learners can also record themselves and compare their pronunciation with one of the many models provided.