Each of the four levels comprises about 80 hours of class work, with additional time for the self-study work. The Teacher's Book contains all the pages from the Classroom Book, with interleaved teaching notes including optional activities to cater for different abilities. There is a video to accompany the Beginner, Pre-intermediate and Intermediate levels. Each video contains eight stimulating and entertaining short programmes, as well as a booklet of photocopiable activities. Free test material is available in booklet and web format for Beginner and Pre-intermediate levels. Visit www.cambridge.org/elt/liu or contact your local Cambridge University Press representative.
Smart Planet is a secondary-level course which appeals to students' curiosity about the world around them. Stimulating materials complemented by fascinating videos from Discovery Education help bring classes to life and are the ideal starting point for successful language learning. This DVD-ROM provides all the extra classroom resources teachers need with a whole range of extra worksheets to cover testing, mixed ability, skills work, drama and even games and puzzles to add variety to classes. All the Discovery Education videos have also been included, as well as the audio recordings of the listening tests.
Smart Planet is a secondary-level course which appeals to students' curiosity about the world around them. Stimulating materials complemented by fascinating videos from Discovery Education help bring classes to life and are the ideal starting point for successful language learning. These Audio CDs contain all the audio from the Student's Book and Workbook for this level.
Curso de tres niveles con un enfoque muy práctico. A través de contextos simulados y de un análisis del lenguaje, el alumno es capaz de crear un espacio en el que poder personalizar ese lenguaje y describir su propio entorno. Crea una interfaz entre el mundo que conoce y un mundo exterior nuevo por descubrir.
Interactive is an exciting four-level course for teenage learners from elementary to upper-intermediate levels (CEF A2-B2). The Teacher's Resource Pack contains two communication-based 'Interaction' activities, as well as a page each of Grammar and Vocabulary practice per unit. The activity pages are all photocopiable for students. Photocopiable Vocabulary Expander pages provide students with additional practice in the vocabulary learned.
A new edition of this popular course for young learners - now seven levels including Starter. Well-loved by children and teachers the world over, Kid's Box is bursting with bright ideas to inspire you and your pupils. Perfect for general use, the course also fully covers the syllabus of the Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE) tests, preparing your students for success at Starters, Movers and Flyers. This pack of flashcards presents the target vocabulary for each unit of the Class Book.
Objective PET es un curso de preparación para el examen Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET). Partiendo de Cambridge English Corpus, una base de datos única, destaca los puntos de la prueba donde más errores se suelen cometer. Se compone de lecciones cortas que ofrecen una forma rápida y divertida de aprendizaje.
American English in Mind is an integrated, four-skills course for beginner to advanced teenage learners of American English. An engaging, 8-episode drama entitled Free Time features the continuing characters from the American English in Mind Student's Book experiencing teen life. Each video episode can be shown in class with the Student's Book's related photostories. The episodes are also available on the Student's Book DVD-ROM along with additional related speaking and listening exercises. Optional subtitles are also provided.
English in Mind Second Edition es un método para los estudiantes de Secundaria. A través de un amplio abanico de temas busca motivar a los jóvenes en el aprendizaje del inglés. Lleno de fotos, juegos y ejercicios, presenta el inglés contemporáneo en situaciones de la vida cotidiana. Asimismo, abarca los distintos aspectos de la cultura anglosajona.
American English in Mind is an integrated, four-skills course for beginner to advanced teenage learners of American English. The Testmaker Audio CD and CD-ROM gives teachers the flexibility to create and edit their own tests. Teachers can choose from unit tests, which can be combined in pairs, and end-of-term tests. There are also options to test the same course content at both 'standard' and 'more challenging' levels. The Testmaker can also produce two versions of each test to prevent students from sharing answers. The package consists of a Testmaker CD-ROM plus an audio CD.
Cambridge English Empower for Spanish Speakers es un curso general para adultos que combina contenido de Cambridge University Press con la reconocida evaluación de Cambridge English Language Assessment, y ahora en su nueva edición English for Spanish Speakers ofrece ayuda específica para alumnos hispanohablantes de inglés. Esta mezcla única de material para clase interesante y fiable junto a la práctica online personalizada permite a los alumnos progresar de forma firme y medible. El curso incluye imágenes y textos fascinantes diseñados para despertar la curiosidad de los alumnos, que los motiva para hablar al tiempo que los prepara para una comunicación eficiente en el mundo real. Los contenidos de cada nivel se basan en el English Profile y el Cambridge English Corpus, y se ciñen estrictamente al MCER, lo que asegura que los alumnos aprendan los elementos lingüísticos más relevantes y útiles en el momento correcto de su aprendizaje.
This exciting and substantial CD-ROM offers extra practice material covering all the language in Essential Grammar in Use Third edition. The CD-ROM includes: * hundreds of practice exercises * customised tests targeting specific language areas * additional conversation activities * a range of engaging games with downloadable updates * audio recordings of all the main exercises * listen, repeat and record function * built-in dictionary with full definitions of all key vocabulary. This single-user version is ideal for self-study. A network version, for multiple users, is also available. For the book & CD-ROM pack, see 978 0 521 67543 7.
English Pronunciation in Use es uno de los títulos más completos del mercado y trata todos los aspectos de la pronunciación. Asimismo, hace hincapié en el desarrollo de las habilidades de la audición y el habla.
Business Goals is a three-level course in communicative Business English. Each Student?s Book provides 30 core hours of class work extendable to over 60 hours using the additional material provided. Functional language, vocabulary and grammar are introduced in manageable amounts. With a focus on listening and speaking, learners are given the opportunity to build their confidence in areas such as telephoning, ordering, networking and dealing with problems in authentic business contexts. The Business Goals Workbooks provide extra practice in all four skills and are also valuable for students preparing for the BEC examinations, with BEC-style activities and exam advice. Each Workbook comes with an audio CD and contains full transcripts of all recordings. Model answers for speaking tasks are included on the CD. An overview of how the Workbooks link to BEC exams is available on the Business Goals website.