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The Speaking Test Preparation Pack for PET is a comprehensive teacher resource pack from Cambridge ESOL to help teachers who are preparing students to take the Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) Speaking test. Written by experienced examiners, it includes student worksheets with teacher's notes, two sets of candidate visuals for Speaking test practice in class, and a DVD of students taking a Preliminary Speaking test so students can see what they will have to do on the day of the test.
Based on the communicative approach, and drawing on the best of current thinking and practice, face2face prepares students for real world communication. This new edition provides specific help for Spanish speakers. The face2face Teacher's Book provides comprehensive support with teaching notes for each lesson, useful ideas for advanced classes, and extensive resources including 10 Vocabulary Plus worksheets teaching additional lexis, 10 Progress Tests, 10 Help with Listening worksheets and over 30 Class Activities to provide extra communicative language practice. The English for Spanish Speakers edition has notes for all the new Student's Book content including 'Accurate Speaking' and 'Help with Pronunciation'. The Teacher's Book describes the face2face approach and provides information on how face2face relates to the Common European Framework (CEF) as well as a guide to the Student's Book CD-ROM.
Super Minds es un curso de alumnos de primaria para escuelas con 5 o más sesiones de inglés a la semana. Ofrece 7 niveles, con la posibilidad de usar Starter para el último año de Infantil. El curso mejora metódicamente las habilidades mentales de sus alumnos, con actividades especialmente diseñadas para entrenar su memoria y mejorar su concentración. Los alumnos disfrutarán con las manualidades y ejercicios de visualización guiados, así como con las actividades de respuesta física. Están pensadas para despertar la imaginación y convertir el estudio del inglés en una experiencia divertida y creativa para todos. El aprendizaje de valores sociales es una parte importante en la formación de la educación de los alumnos de primaria. En Super Minds, se anima a los alumnos a analizar valores que se presentan en historias que conseguirán despertar su interés a lo largo de todo el curso. Las lecciones transversales de 'English for school' amplían el tema de la unidad relacionándolo con otras asignaturas. El Teacher's Resource Book incluye abundantes actividades extra que los profesores pueden usar en clase, entre ellas: Hojas de ejercicio para seguir practicando el vocabulario y la gramática. Material de extensión transversal. Exámenes al final de cada unidad (a partir del nivel 1).
Smart Planet is a secondary-level course which appeals to students' curiosity about the world around them. Stimulating materials complemented by fascinating videos from Discovery Education help bring classes to life and are the ideal starting point for successful language learning. The interleaved Teacher's Book includes clear, at-a-glance teaching notes and video lesson plans, together with suggestions on how students can exploit the videos at home. It also provides background information sections, with useful extra facts about the lesson content. It also offers key competences and CEF mapping for every unit; warm-up, reinforcement and extension activities; teaching tips and a games bank.
Innovative activities for Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) teachers and trainee teachers. CLIL Activities is organised into five chapters: Activating, Guiding understanding, Focus on language, Focus on speaking and Focus on writing. A further chapter provides practical ideas for assessment, review and feedback. The Background to CLIL section offers a clear explanation of what CLIL is and its benefits and challenges. The book contains a wide range of easily accessible activities that can be used in any order. Dedicated subject pages include annotated extracts from authentic school teaching materials, demonstrating how language is used in particular school subjects, such as geography, science, maths and ICT. The accompanying CD-ROM contains print-ready CLIL activities.
L'interès per l'educació de la intel·ligència emocional i de la intel·ligència social és plenament vigent. En tots els àmbits educatius ?escola, família, organitzacions per al lleure? s'ha estès la necessitat, i la demanda consegüent, de conèixer orientacions i estratègies per aprofundir en el desenvolupament de les competències personals.Aquest llibre dóna les eines perquè les famílies, els mestres i totes les persones amb responsabilitat educativa puguin incorporar la dimensió emocional en l'educació dels infants. El llibre s'estructura a partir de quatre grans blocs temàtics: autoestima, gestió d'emocions i sentiments, empatia i resolució positiva de conflictes. Cada bloc consta d'un apartat teòric, que pretén contribuir a la reflexió sobre la pràctica educativa, i un altre de pràctic, que inclou un bon nombre de propostes, activitats i recursos d'intervenció psicoeducativa.
Esta revisada edición del Objective Advanced ayuda a preparar el examen Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE). Sus 25 lecciones ofrecen ejercicios similares a los del examen, indicaciones sobre los errores a evitar y muchos temas para discutir en clase.
Kid's Box is a brand new, six-level course for young learners, brimming with stimulating sections designed for Spanish speakers. Bursting with bright ideas to inspire both teachers and students, Kid's Box gives children a confident start to learning English. It also fully covers the syllabus for the Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE) tests. The Teacher's Book contains comprehensive notes, as well as extra activities and classroom ideas to inspire both teacher and students. This Spanish edition caters to the needs of the Spanish teacher providing integrated notes on the extra pronunciation activities, Festival pages as well as CLIL and Social Awareness content.
Kid's Box is a brand new, six-level course for young learners, brimming with stimulating sections designed for Spanish speakers. Bursting with bright ideas to inspire both teachers and students, Kid's Box gives children a confident start to learning English. It also fully covers the syllabus for the Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE) tests. The Teacher's Book contains comprehensive notes, as well as extra activities and classroom ideas to inspire both teacher and students. The Spanish edition caters to the needs of the Spanish teacher providing integrated notes on the extra pronunciation activites, festival pages, the social awareness content and the extra spelling, vocabulary and grammar practice as well as on the new tests. Level 5 begins the Flyers cycle.