Interactive is an exciting four-level course for teenage learners from elementary to upper-intermediate levels (CEF A2-B2). The Teacher's Resource Pack contains two communication-based 'Interaction' activities, as well as a page each of Grammar and Vocabulary practice per unit. The activity pages are all photocopiable for students. Photocopiable Picture Dictionary pages provide students with practice in the vocabulary learned as they first label the pictures, and then keep them as a handy visual reference.
Quick Minds is an exciting, six-level course for young learners in Spain that enhances your students' thinking skills, sharpening their memory while improving their language skills. The full-colour Guía Didáctica comes with facsimile pages of the Pupil's Book and Activity Book. An Aims box per lesson specifies objectives, new and recycled language, materials needed, the Basic Competences that the pupils will achieve, and home-school links. Clear instructions are provided along with audioscripts and answers. The Guía Didáctica also offers a vast array of extra activities, with warm-up, ending the lesson and extension and reinforcement activities. Unit tests help assess pupils' knowledge with a listening, speaking, pre-reading/reading and writing test. The tests are presented in a familiar way with illustrations and simple activities. Also available in English.
Citizen Z está dirigido a la generación actual de adolescentes, con sus propias necesidades, intereses y aspiraciones. Los jóvenes viven en un mundo que requiere nuevas habilidades y preparación, para que en el futuro puedan ocupar su lugar como ciudadanos del mundo. Citizen Z ha sido escrito tomando esto en cuenta... tanto dentro como fuera del aula, el curso va más allá de desarrollar el idioma, formando al propio estudiante en su totalidad - y haciendo énfasis en el pensamiento crítico, los valores, la autoestima y las destrezas para la vida - asegurando el éxito académico y para toda la vida. El Teacher's Book incluye: una introducción que detalla la filosofía y metodología del curso, mapas de correlación del contenido del curso con las Competencias Clave y el Marco Común Europeo, notas didácticas exhaustivas para todas las actividades, información cultural y de contexto, solucionario y transcripciones del audio y el video del curso, actividades opcionales de extensión, sugerencias para extensión opcional y actividades para alumnos que acaben rápido los ejercicios, consejos para afrontar la diversidad en el aula y solucionario del Workbook.
Este curso de siete niveles es un sólido punto de partida para iniciar el aprendizaje de inglés, y convierten las clases en todo un placer para los profesores. Además de ser perfecto para un uso general, también abarca todo el contenido de los exámenes Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE), de modo que los estudiantes están más preparados que nunca para conseguir buenos resultados en Starters, Movers y Flyers. El nivel Starter, diseñado para la edición internacional, ofrece a los alumnos un inicio rápido en el inglés antes de que puedan leer o escribir, y puede utilizarse en el último año de Infantil. En el Teacher's Resource Book with Audio CD el profesor podrá elegir de una gran variedad de actividades para preparar clases en las que se trabajan diversas habilidades. Asimismo, hay hojas de ejercicios de refuerzo y extensión para aprovechar al máximo las canciones e historias. También se incluyen exámenes adicionales con una sección de comprensión oral. Novedades de la segunda edición: Nuevas escenas que representar y letra ligada en todas las hojas de ejercicios.
Ready-made photocopiable lessons for Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) or bilingual education programmes. Photocopiable lessons designed to widen your pupils' knowledge of the world outside the classroom. Ideal for giving your English classes a cross-curricular element, or as support material for Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) or bilingual education programmes. Topics covered include art and drama, literacy, maths, science and the environment.
Intercultural Language Activities offers practical teaching ideas which encourage learners to reflect on their own language and culture, as well as that of others. Topics covered in the fourteen chapters include childhood, food, sport, icons, politics and body language. The book also helps learners mediate in situations of cultural misunderstanding and start web-based intercultural exchanges. It examines interview techniques, how people present themselves, and ways to interpret cultural symbols and characteristics, such as those found in postcards, advertisements and online newspapers. In engaging with these topics, learners become intercultural explorers and raise their level of communicative competence. This is an invaluable resource for any teacher who wishes to combine language learning with cultural exploration. In addition, the accompanying CD-ROM provides print-friendly photocopiable worksheets and reading texts which can be put to immediate use.
¿Por qué saltan las ballenas fuera del agua? ¿Qué hace que nuestros cuerpos se muevan? Guess What! tiene las respuestas. A través de hermosas fotografías, videos absorventes y temas fascinantes, este curso lleva a los alumnos a través de un sorprendente viaje, permitiéndoles explorar el mundo mientras aprenden inglés. Se hace especial enfásis en la auto-reflexión, permitiendo a los niños aprender con confianza y conseguir grandes resultados.
This handbook is designed for all language teachers who are giving one-to-one lessons, either in person or as part of a distance learning programme. It helps teachers take advantage of the opportunities of one-to-one teaching, and also cope with its challenges. Part 1 provides practical guidelines on teaching individual learners, and looks at the roles a one-to-one teacher may have, such as 'conversation partner' or 'observer and listener'. A focus on these roles keeps interactions in lessons varied and offers ways to develop your teaching skills. Part 2 contains easy-to-use activities, through which both teacher and learner can focus on the language the learner wants to learn. Many of the activities include ideas for using technology and online resources, which can help to develop language skills as well as being fun to use. The accompanying CD-ROM provides material which can be printed out and photocopied for use in lessons.
Quick Minds is an exciting, six-level course for young learners in Spain that enhances your students' thinking skills, sharpening their memory while improving their language skills. The Teacher's Resource Book contains flexible photocopiable resources for each unit: three worksheets to reinforce the core vocabulary and structures, and one cross-curricular or skills extension worksheet, with clear teaching notes with suggestions for exploitation and optional follow-up activities. Two flexible tests per term, one Standard level, and the other High level, are also included. These tests assess the course content and have been prepared with the linguistic competence and the basic competences in mind.
Quick Minds is an exciting, six-level course for young learners in Spain that enhances your students' thinking skills, sharpening their memory while improving their language skills. The full-colour Teacher's Book comes with facsimile pages of the Pupil's Book and Activity Book. An Aims box for every lesson specifies objectives, new and recycled language, materials needed, the Basic Competences that the pupils will achieve, and home-school links. Clear instructions are provided for every lesson along with audioscripts and answers. The Teacher's Book also offers a vast array of extra activities, with warm-up, ending the lesson and extension and reinforcement activities. Unit tests help assess pupils' knowledge with a listening, speaking, reading and writing test. The tests are presented in a familiar way with illustrations and simple activities.
Este curso de siete niveles es un sólido punto de partida para iniciar el aprendizaje de inglés, y convierten las clases en todo un placer para los profesores. Además de ser perfecto para un uso general, también abarca todo el contenido de los exámenes Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE), de modo que los estudiantes están más preparados que nunca para conseguir buenos resultados en Starters, Movers y Flyers. En el Teacher's Resource Book with Audio CD el profesor podrá elegir de una gran variedad de actividades para preparar clases en las que se trabajan diversas habilidades. Asimismo, hay hojas de ejercicios de refuerzo y extensión para aprovechar al máximo las canciones e historias. También se incluyen exámenes adicionales con una sección de comprensión oral. Novedades de la segunda edición: Nuevas escenas que representar. Letra ligada en todas las hojas de ejercicios.
Smart Planet is a secondary-level course which appeals to students' curiosity about the world around them. Stimulating materials complemented by fascinating videos from Discovery Education help bring classes to life and are the ideal starting point for successful language learning. The interleaved Teacher's Book includes clear, at-a-glance teaching notes and video lesson plans, together with suggestions on how students can exploit the videos at home. It also provides background information sections, with useful extra facts about the lesson content. It also offers key competences and CEF mapping for every unit; warm-up, reinforcement and extension activities; teaching tips and a games bank. There is also a Spanish version of the Teacher's Book available separately.
English in Mind Second Edition es un método para los estudiantes de Secundaria. A través de un amplio abanico de temas busca motivar a los jóvenes en el aprendizaje del inglés. Lleno de fotos, juegos y ejercicios, presenta el inglés contemporáneo en situaciones de la vida cotidiana. Asimismo, abarca los distintos aspectos de la cultura anglosajona.