Helping Ourselves is a beginners guide to nutrition according to the principles of Chinese Medicine. It is a user friendly practical guide, ideally suited to practitioners, students and clients of Chinese medicine as well as those interested more generally in nutrition. The book contains simple one page explanations of each basic diagnostic pattern and the foods that will assist its healing. Helping Ourselves includes charts listing the properties of about 300 common foods and 150 western herbs. It also includes a section on diagnosis. This popular reference manual can also be used as the companion volume to its sequel, Recipes for Self Healing.
A banda de les calories, els hidrats de carboni o els productes dietètics, els factors culturals i socials també influeixen en l'alimentació. Quina influència tenen, per exemple, la història o el clima en el que mengem? Aquest llibre analitza l'alimentació des de l'original mirada de les ciències socials.
?Pee in the woods? Burn your fat clothes? Stop supporting the troops? Quit the gym? Get new friends? and for the love of God, stay off the grass.?If you?ve tried every diet that you could get your hands on with little or no success? then this book is for you.Ralph Peterson has tried them all: Atkins, Herbalife, Nutra Systems, South Beach, the Paleo Diet, Jenny Craig, Body for Life, the Grapefruit Diet, Eating Right for your Blood Type, the Four-Hour Body and Weight Watchers, just to name a few. Through it all Ralph has seen his weight Yo-Yo from 350lbs to 280lbs and back again.Adventures in Dietland: How to Win at the Game of Dieting from a Former Fat Guy, is a synopsis of the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to diet plans and includes 50 Rules Everyone Needs to Know, to Win at the Game of Dieting.These Rules have helped Ralph lose more than 150lbs, and will help you lose weight, regardless of the diet plan you are following.For more information go to or follow Ralph onInstagram: www.
Este libro, avalado por la Clínica Universidad de Navarra (CUN) -una de las más importantes de nuestro país-, nos propone un plan de adelgazamiento natural y seguro que, además, ofrece un éxito duradero. Frente a las dietas milagro que circulan en estos tiempos, y garantizando el bienestar físico y psíquico, La dieta holística nos enseña a perder peso sin pasar hambre. No requiere dosis heroicas de voluntad y, en ocasiones, incluso, permite ese helado o ese trozo de chocolate irresistibles. Es, pues, una estrategia global diferente de las habituales fórmulas de pérdida de peso. La periodista Marisol Guisasola, experta de referencia en temas de nutrición y salud en el suplemento semanal Mujer Hoy, junto a los doctores Javier Salvador, Gema Frühbeck y Fernando Rotellar, nos enseñan un enfoque inteligente: convertir los cambios alimenticios en hábitos sanos.
Havent estat testimoni durant massa temps dels mals hàbits alimentaris, en aquest llibre l'autora identifica els errors més comuns que cometem en la nostra dieta i ens proposa una solució entenedora i planera. Hi trobarem una reflexió dels possibles motius que ens han empès a dur una mala alimentació sense adonar-nos-en, consells que ens enfoquin a aconseguir canviar els mals hàbits, els passos que s'han de seguir, els errors més freqüents que s'han d'evitar, així com algunes recomanacions per ajudar-nos a tenir èxit, acomplir el nostre objectiu i saber mantenir el pes ideal. Cadascuna de les situacions explicades s'analitzen a partir de casos reals i quotidians que ha tractat l'autora. També hi ha algunes idees d'àpats lleugers, poc calòrics i saludables, així com una planificació de dues setmanes de menús exemple, per tal de poder seguir una dieta correcta.
Xevi Verdaguer, autor de Transforma tu salud, nos descubre en su nuevo libro una forma revolucionaria de entender el funcionamiento de nuestro cuerpo. Un método que transformará nuestra salud y la mejorará radicalmente. A menudo sufrimos molestias que tratamos con medicamentos: migrañas, dolores crónicos, fatiga, dolores menstruales, contracturas, ansiedad... Xevi Verdaguer, especialista en PsicoNeuroInmunología, nos acerca a la medicina integrativa y nos muestra qué podemos hacer para solucionar estas dolencias de forma natural y sencilla a la vez que nos da las claves para entender mejor nuestro cuerpo, aprender a escucharlo y ser así más protagonistas de nuestra salud. Este libro ofrece los conocimientos y consejos de Xevi Verdaguer de forma clara y práctica para que podamos aplicarlos a nuestro día a día. Conoceremos los alimentos recomendados y los que debemos evitar según la dolencia y aprenderemos a combinarlos con menús equilibrados y a cocinarlos con recetas sabrosas y fáciles ideadas por nutricionistas.
Xevi Verdaguer, autor de Transforma la teva salut, revela en el seu nou llibre una manera revolucionària d'entendre el funcionament del cos. Un mètode que transformarà la nostra salut i la millorarà radicalment. Sovint sentim molèsties que intentem alleujar amb medicaments: migranyes, dolors crònics, fatiga, dolors menstruals, contractures, ansietat... En Xevi Verdaguer, especialista en PsicoNeuroImmunologia, ens apropa a la visió de la medicina integrativa i ens mostra què podem fer per solucionar aquestes dolències fàcilment, i alhora ens dona les claus per entendre millor el nostre cos, aprendre a escoltar-lo i convertir-nos així en els protagonistes de la nostra salut. Aquest llibre ens ofereix els coneixements i consells d'en Xevi Verdaguer de manera senzilla, clara i pràctica per tal que els puguem aplicar al nostre dia a dia. Coneixerem els aliments recomanats i els que hem d'evitar menjar per a cada dolència, aprendrem com combinar-los amb menús equilibrats i com cuinar-los amb receptes saboroses i gens complicades, creades per nutricionistes.
In accordance with an English maxim 'Don't dig your grave with your personal knife and fork' Isn't it true that our food is assassinating us by making us heavy, heavier, heaviest? Moreover, the paradox of the current scenario is that whenever we endeavor to find out the ways and means to increase our metabolism, we are usually provided with deceptive information by the Food Agencies. Virtually every day, we hear about the widespread plumpness overwhelming the population across the globe and we are given frightful caveats that being flabby amplifies our jeopardy of enduring staid health problems all the way through our lives. However don't lose heart because there is light at the end of the tunnel!
Recipes Books: The Metabolism Diet and Green Smoothie Goodness The Recipes Book is about two different diet plans, the Metabolism Diet and the Green Smoothie Diet. Each diet plan offers recipes that are healthy and help to bring about a change in dieting lifestyle for the better. Each diet targets different issues to help the body become healthier. The metabolism diet helps to boost the metabolism, which in turn helps us to have more energy. The green smoothie diet helps us to cleanse the body of impurities and fill us with healthy vitamins and minerals. It is a perfect prelude to any diet plan. The first section covers the metabolism diet with these categories: Metabolism Diet, Sample 5 Day Menu Plan, Metabolism Diet Recipes with Breakfast Recipes, Bread Recipes, Snacks, Desserts and Appetizers Recipes, Side Dish Recipes, and Main Dish Recipes. A sampling of the included recipes are: Garlic Parmesan Chicken, Parmesan Tilapia, Seasoned Quinoa, Egg Drop Soup, Cucumber Salad, Buffalo Wings, Grain Free Bread, Italian Spinach Bread, Scromlete, Mushroom Frittata with Asparagus, Baked Omelet, Breakfast Casserole,
Low Carb Meals Low Carb Meals and Paleo Foods The Low Carb Meals book features two similar diet plans, the Low Carb Diet and the Paleo Diet. Both diets feature recipes that are naturally low in carbohydrates and higher in proteins. Going on a low carb diet plan with either diet helps to lose weight. It also helps to lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and helps to stabilize blood glucose levels. The main goal of anyone going on a diet should be to become healthier first. A low carb meal plan has all the foods necessary to be eating healthier and helping to build and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Healthy Cooking Recipes: Amazing Health with Green Smoothies and Eating Clean Healthy living has never been more popular! That's because more and more people are realizing how damaging a standard American diet can be. Rich in processed products, genetically engineered foods, and artificial ingredients, this diet has been blamed for a huge increase in all kinds of diseases. It's anything but a source of healthy nutrition, and many consumers are beginning to realize that. While convenience food may be appealing, it's not right for people who want to live well.
The common foods that people usually eat release either alkaline base or acid into the blood after they pass the digestion process. Foods such as meat, fish, poultry, grains, shellfish, salt, milk and cheese produce acid. Overconsumption of acid releasing foods can cause the body to become over acidic and dispossess of its minerals. In the long run, people who failed to balance their diet with essential alkaline foods may become apt to develop chronic diseases and gain weight. This book has various alkaline diet recipes which will help you to follow the diet.
Gluten Free Cookbook: Gluten Free Weight Loss for Gluten Free Living The Gluten Free Cookbook covers two different gluten free diets with the Gluten Free Diet and the Gluten Free Weight Loss diet. Both diets have one thing in common and that is all the recipes have absolutely no gluten foods included. The gluten free cookbook contains recipes for those who are gluten intolerant and allergic or for those who simply wish to change their diet to gluten free. The other section targets recipes that are just for helping you to lose weight. All recipes call for healthy and nutritious ingredients.
Healthy Diet Foods: Delicious Crockpot Recipes and Intermittent Fasting Finding healthy diet foods can be surprisingly challenging in a world of processed products and unsustainable diets. If you want to experience healthy weight loss that you know you can maintain, it might be time for a change. This book offers a guide to healthy eating and healthy nutrition punctuated by intermittent fasting. It'll guide you through the process of losing weight the healthy way by offering plenty of great recipes and a great guide to taking care of your body. You'll enjoy all kinds of healthy recipes designed to keep you going throughout the day, even during periods when you're giving your digestive system a break. These healthy meals include tasty options such as herbed quinoa, tomato and mozzarella sandwiches, balsamic turkey meatloaf and huevos rancheros. If you're not ready to make your healthy diet recipes fresh, there are also plenty of slow cooked options for your crock pot.