Business data integration is a complex problem that must be solved when organizations change or enhance their internal structures. The goal of this book is to present a simple yet thorough resource that describes the challenges of business data integration and the solutions to these challenges such as schema integration, illustrated through an Operational Data Store (ODS) case study.?This book contains three sections spanning ten chapters. Section I, Foundational Concepts, will provide you with the necessary basic concepts and discuss schema integration. Section II, Preparation and Design, introduces the case study and we will reverse engineer each of the data sources to create a set of data dictionary reports which will provide us with the meta data?we need to apply the schema integration process. Section III, Physical Implementation, will present scripts to populate each of the source databases and spreadsheets and use reports to create Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) specifications. The ten chapters within these three sections are: Chapter 1 ? Introduction and Roadmap Chapter 2 ? What is an Operationa
Este libro trata sobre cómo la ética afecta, y se ve afectada, por el cambiante e inasible mundo de los datos. Sirviéndose de voces autorizadas por la academia, de asociaciones profesionales y de instituciones públicas, norteamericanas y europeas, la autora perfila el escenario que emerge del uso de la internet de las cosas para la obtención de datos masivos; identifica los principales problemas que atañen a su almacenamiento, procesamiento y utilización; y aporta sugerencias sobre cómo puede contribuir la ética a gestionar estos procesos de un modo orientado hacia el bien común.