El famoso oposicionismo infantil es el punto de partida de todos los libros de "No quiero". En este cuento divertidísimo encontramos una madre fascinada por los cuentos y dispuesta a estimular la imaginación y la fantasia de su hijo a través de su vestuario.
De la mano de seis de sus princesas Disney favoritas (Blancanieves, Cenicenta, Bella, Bella Durmiente, Ariel y Yasmín), las niñas aprenderán modales a través de seis divertidos cuentos que les enseñarán a ser educadas, no interrumpir, pedir perdón cuando se han equivocado, no presumir, tener buenos modales en la mesa y mucho más. ¡Aprender modales nunca fue tan divertido!
Through the Lens: A Book of Short Stories is about stories that derive from the heart and were inspired by God, life experiences, and learned principles. All the stories are based on a female teenager?s perception, but do not exclude the male perspective. The stories will shed light on various issues that young adults may struggle with, such as isolation, suicide, peer pressure, drugs, family complications, inadequacy, judgment, and salvation. These stories are real-life examples compacted with tough lessons and key messages, in hopes of permeating the minds of the younger generation to find positive ways to handle the tribulations of life, despite their present circumstances. Every story is intended to teach all young adults about the significance of kindness, sacrifice, temperance, and love. With this book, I hope to provide awareness to the reoccurring problems that most teenagers and young adults are confronted with.