Ir al contenidoCuestiones personales y sociales: familia (infantil/juvenil)
Me llamo Jackson y en otoño empezaré quinto de primaria. Cuando sea mayor quiero ser científico de animales.
¿Sabías que un guepardo puede correr a 110km/h? ¿Que una cucaracha sin cabeza puede sobrevivir dos semanas? ¿O que cuando un lagarto cornudo se enfada escupe sangre por los ojos?
Honestamente, creo que los hechos son mucho mejor que las historias. No puedes ver una historia. No puedes sostenerla en tu mano para medirla. De hecho, las historias no son más que mentiras. Y a mí no me gusta que me mientan.
La regla número uno de todo científico es que siempre hay una explicación lógica para todo. Por ejemplo, ¿cómo aparecen gominolas moradas por arte de magia cuando apenas tenemos comida en casa? O, ¿por qué es difícil hacer amigos cuando siempre tienes hambre? O, ¿de dónde ha salido ese ridículo paraguas? O, ¿cómo es posible que mis padres crean que no me doy cuenta que discuten cuando llegan las facturas?
Pero, lo más importante es que tiene que haber una explicación lógica de por qué el amigo imaginario que me inventé hace años ¡se está pegando un baño de espuma en nuestra bañera!
To say that "a picture is worth 1000 words" may often seem so cliche` but at the same time it is appropriate in pointing out Things That Happen By Chance. This delightful children's book examines the world of one real little boy, coincidentally named Chance, learning some simple life lessons. In a growing visual interactive experience Things That Happen By Chance?will have children everywhere saying, "that's just like me" while parents will be thanking Chance for re-affirming, in his own funny way, the same advice they give to their children. From the simple social graces of please and thank you, to being considerate of others, being honest and helpful and always doing the right thing, Chance learns how easy it is to be a nice person no matter where you live or what your circumstances are. Simple to read, in a font we created using Chance's own actual handwriting, this 72?page full color book takes real life natural photographs caught in fleeting moments in time to bring about a fun discussion on a myriad of events in a child's daily life. Seeing and reading his often funny advice about his activities and ad
When I Was A Baby . . . can relate to all kids who are growing up and wondering what life was like when they were a baby, but it really hits home for all the older siblings experiencing the grand entrance of a younger brother or sister into this world and needing a little assurance that mom and dad are still THEIR mom and dad and that they are still very much present with plenty of love to go around.
¡Nueva aventura del cole más loco, una divertida serie de primeras lecturas sobre la escuela, la familia y los amigos! ¡Los cumpleaños son lo mejor del mundo entero! La pandilla más loca del cole ha descubierto que pronto es el aniversario de Ana, la profe del grupito, y por eso han decidido preparar una fiesta sorpresa es-pec-ta-cu-lar. Globos, guirnaldas, dulces, juegos... lo tienen todo listo cuando de repente, hacen enfadar a Ana y ella descubrirá que... ¡han organizado la mejor fiesta de cumpleaños que podía imaginar! Pero... ¡un momento! ¿Dónde está el pastel?
Looking for a Mother's Day coloring book complete with Mother's Day greeting cards, all in one? Do you want your child to know the importance of Mother's Day through coloring books? Are you looking for coloring books for kids loaded with your own greeting card and other coloring book fun? If you want a unique coloring book that's also one of the creative cut out books available, then you cannot go wrong with Mother's Day Coloring Book Greeting Cards: Coloring Pages and Cut Outs For Kids. This coloring book comes with Mother's Day greeting cards which your child can color and cut out. They can give some of the cards to aunts and grandmas and of course, to their mom! Watching your child make your own greeting card can really makes you feel proud as a parent, and your child will feel the same way too. It would teach your child the value of appreciating mothers as well as the joy of making something by him or herself. What a truly creative use of coloring books!
Kailen Offutt was just four years old when her baby brother, Kulen, was born sleeping and never made it home to join his three?big?sisters. A Corner of Heaven?shares a?family?s journey through expectation and joy, to heartbreak and loss, and back to hope and happiness. Illustrated by Kailen, now?nine,?A Corner of Heaven?is a comforting gift for grieving families, providing a resource for parents to help their young children understand, discuss, and process the loss of their long-awaited sibling. Grandparents, godparents, aunts and uncles, and family friends will find?A Corner of Heaven?to be the perfect way to express their sympathy and support at a time when mere words seem to fail.
¡Nueva aventura del cole más loco, una divertida serie de primeras lecturas sobre la escuela, la familia y los amigos! Cada año el Cole de Locos organiza una fiesta nocturna de Halloween. Es la primera vez que Lucas, Asim, las gemelas y Carlos van a la fiesta. Los mayores de 6º, les han contado que va a ser la noche más horrible que se puedan imaginar. Un túnel del terror, una clase llena de muertos vivientes, una cena repleta de bichos y murciélagos... El grupito va a recibir un montón de sustos ¡te-rro-rí-fi-cos! ¿Estás preparado para acompañarles en esta aventura?
Things That Happen By ChanceTo say that "a picture is worth 1000 words" may often seem so cliche` but at the same time it is appropriate in pointing out?Things That Happen By Chance.?This delightful children's book examines the world of one real little boy, coincidentally named Chance, learning some simple life lessons. In a growing visual interactive experience?Things That Happen By Chance?will have children everywhere saying, "that's just like me" while parents will be thanking Chance for re-affirming, in his own funny way, the same advice they give to their children. From the simple social graces of please and thank you, to being considerate of others, being honest and helpful and always doing the right thing, Chance learns how easy it is to be a nice person no matter where you live or what your circumstances are. Simple to read, in a font we created using Chance's own actual handwriting, this 72?page full color book takes real life natural photographs caught in fleeting moments in time to bring about a fun discussion on a myriad of events in a child's daily life. Seeing and reading his often funny advice