Lore Salas es la repostera de referencia cuando se trata de cocinar dulces plant-based, nutritivos, libres de azúcares refinados y de sustancias perjudiciales. La pastelería saludable es ya una realidad: cocinar con ingredientes puros, beneficiosos para nosotros y responsables con nuestro planeta. Desde sus inicios, Lore Salas (@datesandavocados) supo que crear una repostería más sana, sostenible y deliciosa, significaba ir a contracorriente. En la actualidad, es la pastelera de referencia cuando se trata de crear dulces bonitos por fuera y por dentro.
A bilingual children?s coloring book with tips on health and good nutrition. In English and Spanish. Includes short slogans that encourage good habits. Contains 48 illustrations. Suggested for ages 6 and under. For more kids products and free downloads, visit our website at www.kidible.eu ? Libro para colorear que contiene 48 paginas con consejos sobre la salud y nutrici?n. En Ingl?s y Espa?ol. Libro de lemas ilustrados para fomentar los buenos h?bitos. Edad sugerida: hasta 6 a?os. Si deseas m?s de nuestros productos vis?tanos en www.kidible.eu
Jamal está harto. A menudo se siente cansado y casi nunca lo seleccionan para los equipos de fútbol de su colegio. Para sentirse mejor come todo el tiempo. Finalmente termina por darse cuenta de que sufre sobrepeso y decide hacer algo al respecto. Pero no está demasiado seguro de por dónde empezar... ¿Qué importancia tiene mantener una dieta equilibrada? ¿Necesitará practicar algún deporte como complemento?
Zolie Zi takes pride in her hygiene and is always sure to check off her daily hygiene “to do’s” until she is faced with a new type of Hygiene that is not on the list. Zolie has to find out through her family and friends that something is wrong with her nose because she can’t seem to smell the new smell coming from her body. Will Zolie ever smell the new smell coming from her body and add it to the Hygiene list? Or will her family and friends have to keep telling her that something is wrong with her nose?
Have you ever wondered how children perceive themselves and their families’ reactions after being diagnosed with diabetes? It’s tough fighting diabetes, a disease that they might not understand and certainly can’t see. I’m Still Me—Can’t You See? is told through the eyes of a child conquering diabetes. Together you will find inspiration and peace as you fight an invisible disease. The rhythmic story along with the imaginative illustrations will entertain and empower your child. The last page is dedicated to families who have the power to triumph over the hardest of situations and give hope for a healthy future.
Juan es un chico de trece años que empieza a tener problemas a causa de la bebida. Sus propias experiencias y las de su padre le llevan a tomar la decisión de dejar de beber y a buscar en otra parte la solución para resolver las dificultades a las que se enfrenta. ¿Qué papel desempeñarán los amigos en esta decisión? ¿Y su familia?
Aquest conte ens mostrarà, amb molta gràcia, els diferents tipus de nassos que hi ha, i també per a que fem servir el nas. Jugarem amb les paraules i els seus significats, i coneixerem les frases fetes de la llengua per nassos!
Obesity is a major health problem around the world. Millions of people are affected by obesity. They may have health problems caused by obesity or find normal activities difficult. Obesity can even lead to early death. With big portion sizes, unhealthy food choices, and fast food on every corner, obesity is a bigger problem than ever before. You hear about obesity on TV and read about it online. But many people-kids and adults-don't understand how much your weight can affect your health. What happens to your body when you're obese? How do people become obese? What is life like for the people around the world who are obese? What can you do if you're overweight or obese to change your life?
The title of the book is Little Mr. Terrific, about a little boy who doesn't want to take his vitamins. He learns a valuable lesson about a healthy lifestyle from his granddad. Little Mr. Terrific has a terrific day after eating a healthy breakfast and taking his vitamins like his granddad.