Cuentos de terror y fantasmas

One of the most harrowing episodes in the history of the West Country began on June 11, 1685, when Charles II's illegitimate son, the Duke of Monmouth sailed into Lyme Regis harbour with 81 hopeful followers. This period of loyalty to the Duke later became known as 'The Duking Days'. Based on true accounts of the battle this story tells of lies and deceit, love and loss. Of course as with all Dominic Buffery stories this does not end in our world but continues into the next. Thomas Monday was born to run and no matter what realm he's in he will run to survive.

Ghost Hunter Part 1: Alexa Dawn is a Ghost Hunter. She doesn't try to coax, whisper, or talk to the dearly departed. She's not there to help them crossover. At least not in the way most people think. She's there for one reason, and one reason only, to make sure the dead-stay dead. Alexa has spent years chasing the Shade that killed her parents. When her latest house cleansing goes terribly awry, she finds herself in the middle of a murder investigation. With her clients dying at an alarming rate, Alexa has to do something to stop the rampaging ghost before it decides that she's next.

«Déu meu, qui és aquest Schiller, aquest agitador de cors? ¡Te escric perquè estic espantat!» Amb aquestes paraules el poeta Samuel Coleridge es dirigia al seu amic Robert Southey en una carta el 1784, després d'haver passat una fosca tarda de novembre llegint Die Ràuber (Els bandits) de Schiller. Una convulsió semblant va experimentar també Lord Byron a la seva infantesa, quan va llegir L'al·lucinat (Der Geisterseher), tal com li ho recordava en una carta el 1817 al seu editor John Murray: «quan era petit... mai no em passejava per St. Mark's a la llum de la lluna sense pensar-hi». Mai no traduïda fins ara a cap llengua hispànica, L'al·lucinat se'ns apareix com una obra estranya. Publicada per primera vegada a la revista «Talia» el 1787, està estructurada en dues parts molt diferenciades. Mentre que la primera participa de les característiques pròpies de la novel·la gòtica de terror, la segona manté quelcom de l'estructura habitual en la literatura de l'època: relat epistolar, to didàctic, intent de perfeccionar l'ésser humà, profunditat filosòfica, i aquesta constant posta en qüestió a què és sotmès el relat. Johan Christoph Friedrich von Schiller nasqué a Marbach am Neckar el 1759 i morí a Weimar el 1805. Fill d'un modest cirurgià militar, va cursar estudis de medicina. Amic personal de Goethe i Herder, és autor, a més de les obres esmentades, de Don Karlos (1857), Wallenstein (1798-99), Cartes sobre l'educació estètica de l'home (1795) i nombrosos drames històrics.

Escape Plans is a collection of 19 mind-bending and adrenaline-fueled stories from the award-winning author of THE PHAROS OBJECTIVE, BLINDSPOTS and CRESCENT LAKE. Ranging from dark fantasy and horror to mystery, science fiction and suspense, in these tales you'll encounter a chilling cure for cancer, a demonic GPS device and a ghost marriage to a jealous and deadly bride; here you'll find alternate quantum histories, underwater zombies and a basement serving as a time portal; you'll experience environmental disasters on a galactic scale, meet a man who can erase lives with the stroke of a marker, practice ancient arts of divination-with frightening consequences, and visit a grim future set against humanity's last days. Emotional, terrifying and thought-provoking, make your plans to escape today.

?Because of my actions, I am surrounded by bars. I can hear the other prisoners talk in the distance. Honestly, I couldn?t care less what they are saying.? ?In here, I try to evade any contact with anyone. No friends. No lovers. No nothing. I just want to be left alone with my thoughts. They are depressing. Disturbing. ? But I manage. ?My stay here hasn?t been too bad; except for maybe the shit they call food. Luckily I haven?t been raped. And I have heard horrible stories of it. And, surprisingly, that disturbs even me. ? Almost every morning when I wake up I have the sun bleeding through my window brightening up my room. The birds chirp. The clouds drift by. The sky is blue. It just seems so pleasant out there. ?But sometimes out there isn?t so pleasant. Not so happy. I?m just grateful to be in an enclosed space by myself where I can hide. ? ?????????? Yes, hide. ??????Because ?out there? brought me pain and suffering. Physical. Emotional. More than you will ever know. Possibly, more than you can begin to comprehend. The story that I?m about to talk about deals with my pain as a child coming fr

Aquatic horrors, cold-hearted killers, lovely monstrosities, fiendish depravity and desire, lost civilizations, ancient secrets, music and movies, murder, madness, pain, hideous humor, hunger, and revenge. 37 stories and poems brought together in this anthology of the aberrant. Venture into the darkness. Venture into the depths. Welcome to ... FOSSIL LAKE Featuring the work of: Ramsey Campbell Ken Goldman Melany Van Every G. Preacher Scott Colbert Jerrod Balzer

Gone but not forgotten...In the thrilling conclusion of the trilogy, Jack and Jennifer Knight must face a final challenge from the ancient cult that has infiltrated its way into their lives.Time has passed and Jack and Jennifer now live a simple life, hiding in anonymity and living in fear of the the day when the Brotherhood may return to see their prohpecy fulfilled.Together they must unlock a mystery older than mankind itself and face a terrifying evil as they battle to see if their future is indeed written in the stars or if their destiny is in their hands.

Praised by Borges, the Unkind Tales of L?on Bloy were produced in a phase of literary evolution that was exploratory and experimental, and hence intrinsically exciting. Lingering on the frontiers of Decadence, Naturalism, and Symbolism, these stories of the damned and the foolish, of terrible fates and ludicrous situations, helped map out the terrain of the conte cruel and are, probably, the author?s most noteworthy work. In this, an authoritative translation of the volume originally published as Histories d?sobligeantes, Brian Stableford, in both his insightful introduction and his superb rendering of the tales, shines a much-needed light on Bloy?s savage genius.