El llibre planteja un viatge intens per dos textos cabdals sortits de la Corona d'Aragó, en diferents territoris i diferents segles. L'anònim Jaufré i l'Espill de Jaume Roig, dues obres de gran qualitat literària que tenen la virtut de ser profundament divertides si s'hi aproxima amb les eines interpretatives necessàries.
All successful writers use resonance to enhance their stories by drawing power from stories that came before, by resonating with their readers' experiences, and by resonating within their own works. In this book, you'll learn exactly what resonance is and how to use it to make your stories more powerful. You'll see how it is used in literature and other art forms, and how one writer, J. R. R. Tolkien, mastered it in his work.
Utilísimo instrumento de reflexión y trabajo para todos aquellos que buscan incitaciones para escribir. Fruto de largos años de experiencia, este método permite observar el trabajo del taller y de la escritura desde dentro, desarrolla una metodología explícita para escribir y hacer escribir desde distintas perspectivas y ofrece herramientas variadas y productivas para la creación.
Este volumen sobre literatura en lengua china abraza un periodo muy extenso que se inicia en tono al siglo VIII dC. Y que finaliza en el siglo XXI. Este repaso se articula siguiendo los rastros de un género literario la narrativa de ficción- que ha estado históricamente marginado por la tradición clásica pero que, sin embargo, muestra la existencia de otras formas de intelectualidad y de cultura en un mundo chino que poco tiene que ver con la idea monolítica e inmovilista con que a menudo se la ha representado en Occidente.
As writers of fiction, we have godlike power to create worlds and populate them with beings. It's a delicious feeling when we've done it successfully. Successfully, of course, is the key word. We have to know our characters' desires, fears, beliefs, and motivations ? the deep traits that persuade readers to follow imaginary people as if they were real flesh and blood. Since a believable story depends not only on who your characters are but also why, this book is a study in motivation and how to use it to create plot. Part One examines emotional, mental, moral, and spiritual norms of each stage of human development, guiding you to believable backstory and traits that make your characters act their age. Part Two looks at motivation through the lens of personality, including fears and controlling beliefs, based on the nine-type model known as the Enneagram. Part Three shows how to use your fully fleshed out characters to create plot and scene ? or to solidify it if you're revising ? for the greatest emotional impact. Make the imaginary come to life. Write Deep, Believable Characters.
A fun and practical guide to writing that will help your writing process be as breezy as driving in a convertible on a summer's day. The authors' prompts and personal insights will shift you into creative gear so you can speed successfully on your way to authentic writing. Sheila Bender and Christi Killien Glover offer the right roadmaps for helping you become the writer you know you can be. It's time to go for the green lights in your writing journey.
Quan, en el difícil procés de comunicació, saconsegueix de donar forma oral o escrita a un missatge, sigui aquest portador dun pensament o transmissor dun sentiment, queden algunes dificultats per superar; la darrera, la mateixa capacitat de comprensió del lector o receptor, però, entremig, també daltres, entre les quals ocupa un lloc no menor el control de qui posseeix el poder. Qui arriba al poder el vol conservar. I sempre safalaga de lelogi o sacontenta, com a mal menor, amb el silenci. Però difícilment suporta la crítica. El mecenatge de lantiguitat i les subvencions o els premis hodierns faciliten la coexistència pacífica entre el poder i els emissors de missatges; la censura, la reprovació, el bandejament i fins el càstig o la condemna es reserven per als recalcitrants. I és que el poder o es complau en els bufons o escarmenta els díscols. Però els exclosos també solen ser tossuts en la seva il·lusió benintencionada dassolir la llibertat dexpressió per al bé comú, o en el seu deler, a la fi igualment interessat, de defensar la seva pròpia conveniència partidista; i, amb enginy, quan els altres recursos no són possibles, sespavilen per fer arribar també els missatges que, al cap i a la fi, els concerneixen. Daquestes qüestions i daltres de relacionades ens parlen els autors daquest llibre.
"Gregory Fletcher and I shared a wonderful teacher, the late Howard Stein, though we knew him in different decades. Greg's book makes an interesting case about how the short play can be a valuable tool to learn how to write plays in general-10 minute plays, 90 minute plays, plays that last for days. And he includes several effective short plays that he has written as well, which certainly enhance his premise."-Christopher Durang, playwright (Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike, Miss Witherspoon, The Marriage of Bette & Boo) "A frisky show and tell about designing shorts and briefs. How to put them on, as well as take them off." -Tina Howe, playwright (Painting Churches, Coastal Disturbances, Pride's Crossing) "Fletcher's Shorts are filled with nice surprises and stamina. His Briefs are filled with insight and clarity. The bar is raised high in this enviable package." -Charles Busch, actor, playwright (The Tale of the Allergist's Wife, Psycho Beach Party, Die Mommie Die) "The plays evidence vitality, wit, and a theatrical mind at work. Used in class to introduce the process of writing plays,
Many writers start out with an idea of what kind of thing they want to write and then never stray from that area of writing. That?s a shame because if you think of yourself as just a novelist, or a poet, or a memoirist, or a non-fiction writer you don?t get to explore the full range of your writer self.Going off your normal writing tracks will help you Feel the creative buzz of breaking new ground Find fresh ideas to bring back to your normal writing Open up new writing paths you never thought of following With seventy-five little forays into fiction, non-fiction, memoir and poetry; advice on writing in each genre and a chapter on how to set up a free-range writing group, this book is bursting with ideas for any time your wild writer?s soul feels restless and needs new adventures