Una interesante recopilación de sabrosas recetas (calamares con chorizo y salsa verde, pastelillos de patata peruanos, salmón con especias a la bengalí, buñuelos de Stilton...) que se comen de un bocado. Un viaje por los sabores de todo el mundo, desde América hasta la ruta de las especias. Más de 130 recetas exquisitas para fiestas informales y divertidas. Algunas de las recetas más exquisitas y sabrosas se hallan en el mundo de los aperitivos: las tapas españolas, los dim sum (o yum cha) de China, las botanas de México, los stuzzichini italianos o los mezze de Oriente Próximo. El conocido chef Paul Gayler se ha inspirado en estas tradiciones para crear recetas que rebosan texturas, colores y sabores. Las pequeñas raciones variadas constituyen siempre una forma cordial de compartir los alimentos, y son ideales tanto para cenas o fiestas formales como para una sencilla comida en casa. La mayoría de las recetas se pueden preparar en unos minutos y con ellas se asegurará de servir platos al gusto de todos los invitados, desde los vegetarianos hasta los amantes de la carne. Aprenda a cocinar de una manera diferente y apasionante.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
Elaboración de platos combinados y aperitivos (UF0057) es una de las Unidades Formativas del módulo "Elaboración culinaria básica (MF0256_1)". Este módulo está incluido en el Certificado de Profesionalidad "Operaciones básicas de cocina (HOTR0108)", publicado en los Reales Decretos 1376/2008 y 619/2013. Este manual sigue fielmente el índice de contenidos publicado en el Real Decreto que lo regula. Se trata de un material dirigido a favorecer el aprendizaje teórico-práctico que resultará de gran utilidad para la impartición de los cursos organizados por el centro acreditado. Los contenidos se han desarrollado siguiendo esta estructura: ? Ficha técnica ? Objetivos generales y específicos ? Desarrollo teórico ? Ejercicios prácticos con soluciones ? Resumen por tema ? Glosario ? Bibliografía / Referencias legislativas
When we think about the biggest milestones and roadblocks in our lives, we also remember the food we cooked and/or ate while getting through them. Because we’re human. And pretty much always hungry. This book will be the literary equivalent of a heart-to heart over a warm slice of coffee cake. A bunch of kick-ass women writers, illustrators, and photographers share their deepest struggles, their silliest moments, their deepest revelations, and, of course, their favorite recipes. Contributors: Davis Alexander Kim Allen-Niesen K. Bidus Valerie Breiman Liane Kupferberg Carter Kimberly Brooks May-lee Chai Liza Donnelly Becky Hartman Edwards Kate Fuglei Leslie Greenberger Barbara Horowitz Wendy Kout Leah Krinsky Nina Laden Cathy Ladman Annie LaZebnik Lisa Grace Lednicer Bernadette Luckett Amy Wang Manning Merrill Markoe Nell Minow Carolyn Omine Asmita Paranjape Claudia Reilly April Salazar Laurie Sandell Alice Scovell Nell Scovell Susan Senator Jeb Sharp Laura Shumaker Marcie Smolin Caissie St. Onge Sarah Thyre Ellen Twaddell Norma Safford Vela Lunaea Weatherstone Michele Willens Maiya Williams Anna Winger Claire LaZebnik Claire is the author of five novels for adults and five YA novels, including Epic Fail and Things I Should Have Known. With Dr. Lynn Kern Koegel, she co-authored the non-fiction books Overcoming Autism and Growing Up on the Spectrum. She has written for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Self Magazine, among other publications, and contributed a monologue to the anthology play Motherhood Out Loud. Please check out her website at or follow her on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.Claire prior work Non-fiction: Overcoming Autism and Growing Up on the Spectrum (both co-authored with Dr. Lynn Kern Koegel) Also the revised and updated version of Overcoming Autism (All Viking/Penguin) Fiction (most recent to oldest: Things I Should Have Known (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) Wrong About the Guy (Harper Teen) The Last Best Kiss (Harper Teen) The Trouble with Flirting (Harper Teen) Epic Fail (Harper Teen) Families and Other Non-Returnable Gifts (Grand Central) If You Lived Here, You’d Be Home Now (Grand Central) The Smart One and the Pretty One (Grand Central) Knitting Under the Influence (Grand Central) Same As It Never Was (St. Martin’s) Also contributed to the anthologies Wedding Cake for Breakfast, American Girls about Town, and Modern LoveAnn Brown Ann Brown writes about family life on her blog, in newspapers and in online magazines, including Real Mom Daily, and The Next Family. She has a You Tube parenting show - The Motherload-Not Your Mother’s Parenting Advice, and her essays have been heard on Public Radio International. You can find Ann at, or follow her at Dr. Strangemom on Facebook.Online Magazine: Parenting column, “The Next Family” Magazine “Voices From The Burbs” column, “The Next Family” Magazine Parenting column, “Read Mom Daily” magazine