Ciencia y tecnología (infantil/juvenil)

Stephen Hawking ha estat un dels científics més brillants del Segle XX i el que millor va entendre l'univers. Va patir una greu malaltia que el va deixar immobilitzat i va seguir estudiant, va tenir fills, va participar en pel·lícules, va escriure llibres extraordinaris i fins i tot va viatjar a l'espai amb la seva cadira de rodes. Era tot un geni però, sobretot, un home amb unes ganes enormes d'aprendre i de viure. Tant el registre de la narració com l'estil de les imatges estan adequats a escolars amb una franja d'edat entre 8 i 11 anys. El text i les il·lustracions s'asseguren tractar temes didàctics transversals als àmbits d'activitat del personatge, especialment aquells relatius al món de la ciència, la física i la química, de cara tant a la lectura en família com a l'ús en centres escolars i al reforç al programa educatiu. Les pàgines finals del llibre contenen una biografia resumida del personatge i una cronologia que l'emmarca en l'evolució de la seva disciplina, entre altres personatges destacats.

This workbook, with 40 science experiments and 100 quiz questions, covers the following topics:? Scientific Investigation, Changes In Matter, Electricity In Matter, Organisms, Light? Human Body, Life Cycle and Reproduction, Weather, Earth and How It Changes? If you are homeschooling (or if you are just trying to get extra practice for your child), then you already know that science workbooks and curriculum can be expensive. HomeSchool Brew is trying to change that! We have teamed with teachers and parents to create books for prices parents can afford. We believe education shouldn?t be expensive.? The problem portion of the book may also be purchased individually in "Fifth Grade Science Experiments.

Una fascinante propuesta para niñas y niños con alma de científico. ¿Qué son la migraña, la anorexia y el TDAH? ¿De qué triquiñuelas se sirven los virus? ¿Cómo se llaman los hongos a los que les gusta vivir en la piel humana? ¿Por qué son necesarios los granos? ¿Cómo funcionan las vacunas? También las madres y los padres aprenderán muchas cosas con este libro, como por ejemplo que hay más lombrices intestinales en el mundo que personas, o que las tenias (o solitarias) pueden tener una longitud de hasta 15 metros. Porque aquí se habla de manera clara y directa sobre todo tipo de enfermedades: de las más cotidianas (pero molestas) como los piojos o la caries; de otras que son graves, como los infartos o la epilepsia; e incluso de algunas que son raras o antiguas, como el cólera o la peste bubónica. No hay temas prohibidos ni asuntos delicados, solo ganas de aprender. La crítica ha dicho:«He leído El gran libro de las enfermedades con sumo placer y curiosidad, casi de un tirón. En él todo está explicado de manera sencilla y divertida. Sin duda, es una fuente de conocimiento perfecta y muy fiable sobre las enfermedades.»Dr. Piotr Albrecht, jefe del Departamento de Gastroenterología y Nutrición del Hospital Universitario Pediátrico de Varsovia

Introductory Physics?is the ideal text for a non-vector-based physics course. Full of rich, intelligent graphics, lucid prose and well-integrated discussions of the history of science, mathematics, and the role of faith in scientific investigation, this book is the first of its kind. This book was designed for grade-level freshmen, but it is also suitable for physics in the sophomore or junior year. In fact, optional chapters are added for the benefit of schools where physics occurs in 10th or 11th grade and students can move more quickly through the material. Mathematical problems are rigorous and challenging, but only assume that students are taking Algebra I concurrently. The text is not suitable for an upper-level vector/trig physics course, but NSM plans to publish a vector-based text to be ready for Fall 2015. One implementation strategy for schools is to use?Introductory Physics?for the grade-level science course, while steering honors-level students into an accelerated student track using our book?Accelerated Studies in Physics and Chemistry?(with accelerated science placement tied to accelerated p

¿Tienes un tema favorito que quieras compartir con el mundo? Puedes mostrar tu talento y compartir tus intereses a través de tu propio sitio web. Utilizarás herramientas de planificación y aprenderás HTML básico para crear una página que puedes utilizar para compartir tus aficiones, tu talento artístico o lo que quieras. Conocerás las herramientas online que te ayudarán a decidir sobre qué quieres que trate tu site; descubrirás cómo dibujar un mapa para tu página web usando los dibujos de Google, o incluso tu cuaderno favorito y un lápiz; y podrás crear tu página eligiendo una plantilla y personalizándola con códigos HTML y CSS básicos. El libro perfecto para convertirte en un joven webmaster.

This workbook, with 30 science experiments and 50 quiz questions, covers the following topics:? Physical Science, Life Science, Earth Science, and Contributions to Science? If you are homeschooling (or if you are just trying to get extra practice for your child), then you already know that science workbooks and curriculum can be expensive. HomeSchool Brew is trying to change that! We have teamed with teachers and parents to create books for prices parents can afford. We believe education shouldn?t be expensive.? The problem portion of the book may also be purchased individually in "First Grade Science Experiments."

This workbook, with 30 science experiments and 50 quiz questions, covers the following topics:? Matter, Light, Energy, Life Science, and Earth Science? If you are homeschooling (or if you are just trying to get extra practice for your child), then you already know that science workbooks and curriculum can be expensive. HomeSchool Brew is trying to change that! We have teamed with teachers and parents to create books for prices parents can afford. We believe education shouldn?t be expensive.? The problem portion of the book may also be purchased individually in ?Second Grade Science (For Homeschool or Extra Practice).?

This workbook, with 30 science experiments and over 50 quiz questions, covers the following topics:? The Scientific Process, Properties of Matter, The Human Body, Earth / Moon / Sun, Characteristics of Plants, Energy / Force / Motion, Electricity & Magnetism, Periodic Table, Photosynthesis, and Weather? If you are homeschooling (or if you are just trying to get extra practice for your child), then you already know that science workbooks and curriculum can be expensive. Homeschool Brew is trying to change that! We have teamed with teachers and parents to create books for prices parents can afford. We believe education shouldn?t be expensive.? The problem portion of the book may also be purchased individually in ?Sixth Grade Science (For Homeschool or Extra Practice).

A senior and well-published scientist describes, through anecdotes, parables, and stories how scientists conceive, ask, and answer questions, and how what they do develops from the culture of their time. Part 1 describes the origins of modern biological science. It addresses issues such as why the story of evolution arose in the 19th C, and not before or after, how the evidence was gathered, and how its misuse led to some terrible decisions by societies. Part 2 describes the rules for experimental science, what constitutes a good versus a poor experiment, how hypotheses, such as the hypothesis or the origin of AIDS, are tested and evaluated. The author goes on to describe the origins of molecular biology and the "cool tricks" that created a billionfold greater ability to analyze living things, leading to the miraculous capabilities that we have today.