Ciencia Ficción

From the New York Times bestseller Dima Zales comes an action-packed sci-fi adventure set in a post-singularity future. For a limited time, get all 3 full-length novels (1000+ pages) in one convenient, discounted bundle. When invisible technology runs everything and memories can’t be trusted, how does one sort the truth from the lies?  Oasis, the last habitable area on post-apocalyptic Earth, is meant to be a paradise, a place where everyone is content. Vulgarity, violence, insanity, and other ills are but a distant memory, and even death no longer plagues the last surviving humans. Theo, a twenty-three-year-old Youth, has never fit in with the serene, age-divided Oasis society. But it’s only when he starts hearing a girl’s voice in his head that he realizes that nothing is what it seems. Phoe is his imaginary friend—or is she? As secrets are unveiled, Theo is dragged into a dangerous game where the virtual and the real worlds collide. What does it mean to be human? What does it mean to be real? Theo is about to find out. Warning: This book contains some strong language. We felt it was important for the censorship theme of the novel. If such words offend you, you might not enjoy this book. If in doubt, please read the sample before buying. NOTE: This is a complete trilogy containing three full-length novels— Oasis, Limbo, and Haven.

Final anthology in the Visions Series. The Visions series tells the story of how humanity must ultimately venture outward from our tiny home and explore the Universe. Visions: Leaving Earth, the first volume, describes our first faltering steps to rise from Earth’s surface and build homes in space. Visions II: Moons of Saturn confirms humankind’s success in leaving Earth and building homes in the other planetary systems circling our sun-father Sol. Visions III: Inside the Kuiper Belt proclaims domination of all that dwells within the solar system—from our Sun to the outermost reaches of the Kuiper Belt and into the Oort Cloud. Visions IV: Space Between Stars astounds us with the infinite possibilities of adventure and danger far from any suns or planets— in the cold, dark regions of deepest space, where dark matter and nebulas of celestial gases abide. Visions V: Milky Way leads us to explore our own galaxy. Although vast and unreachable with current technology, the Milky Way is but a tiny point in the Universe. We must first learn about our own home galaxy before we can explore further outward to other galaxies. Visions VI: Galaxies follows human progress into other galaxies. Humankind survives to spread across the Universe, making distant galaxies and planets into a home for a race destined to seek horizons ever more far away.

Can a soul be duplicated? Can one man’s madness save  civilization? Can an artificial intelligence have a heart? These  are not the questions one usually asks, but the answers may  determine the final outcome for the human race. It all begins with a little girl and her imaginary friend, whose  persistence defies reason. Meanwhile, a scientist wrestles with  alien voices in his head, which test both his intellect and sanity. And a powerful industrialist is offered a form of immortality, but  it’s not what he expects. Finally, it is graduation day for an  ordinary college student, as her world changes beyond her  wildest imagination.How will each affect the ultimate fate of humanity? 

A Cyberpunk Thriller To Keep You on the Edge of Your Seat! Liquid Cool is the action-packed (and funny), debut cyberpunk detective series. How Much is One Life Worth? In the sci-fi/cyberpunk detective series, author Austin Dragon shows why you never want to meet a cyborg in a dark alley. Liquid Cool is a cross between Blade Runner and the Maltese Falcon. There is plenty of gritty action, suspense, thrills, and even a few laughs. It’s cyberpunk reimagined—an ever-rainy world of colossal skyscrapers, hover-cars, flashy neon streets, and futuristic mechanization. Metropolis isn’t a bad place, but it isn’t a good one either. Uber-governments and mega-corporations fight for control of the fifty-million-plus super-city, but so does crime. We meet Cruz, our private eye (and unlikely hero), in this super-city with a million victims and perpetrators. Watch out for tech-tricksters, analog hustlers, and digital gangsters—psychos, samurais, and cyborgs aplenty. Visitors have a way of becoming permanent attractions. Welcome to the high-tech, low-life world of Liquid Cool.

At its best, science fiction has always been a literature of its times. And what times we are living in! Alongside some of humanity’s greatest accomplishments and endeavours, and with greater ability to speak and hear each other across the planet than ever before, we’re still rocked by pain, fear, and outrage seemingly every time we turn on the news - news of division and injustice based on the notion that there’s an “us” and a “them”.   On January 27, 2017, District of Wonders founder and editor-in-chief Tony C. Smith had enough: when the President of the United States promised to build a wall between nations, Tony promised to tear them down. Thanks to the authors, Kickstarter supporters, and District of Wonders community, we are proud to present a collection that challenges the walls between nations, races, classes, genders, and sexualities. Whether illuminating, battering, breaking, or transcending the walls that divide us, this is an anthology for Everyone.  

En un futuro cercano, el ecoterrorismo, el colapso tectónico, las erupciones volcánicas incontroladas y la liberación de residuos radiactivos han hecho la vida casi insostenible en la Tierra. En este entorno devastado, la gente se refugia en las drogas y en los juegos de realidad virtual, mientras los gobiernos mundiales tratan desesperadamente de encontrar una salvación. Su esperanza es el planeta Dirangesept, pero la misión de los Guerreros Lejanos y sus máquinas de guerra ha sido un fracaso estrepitoso y Jon Sciler y sus compañeros regresan traumatizados y abucheados a la Tierra. Pero, cuando una misteriosa compañía les ofrece una oportunidad como probadores de un nuevo juego virtual, no saben que al otro lado del cable les espera algo peor que el fracaso.

Yangin-Atep, el insaciable dios de la guerra, gobierna protegiendo o destruyendo alternativamente a los habitantes de la ciudad. En Tep, nada puede arder en el interior de las casas y no se puede crear fuego accidentalmente (excepto cuando las Llamas llegan a la ciudad). Entonces, la gente poseída por Yangin-Atep hace arder su propia ciudad creando una orgía desenfrenada de destrucción que normalmente llega sin previo aviso. Whandall Placehold ha vivido con las Llamas toda su vida. Luchando a su manera contra la edad adulta en las calles de las zonas más desiertas de la ciudad, Whandall sueña con escapar de la furia del dios para encontrar una vida nueva y mejor. Pero su esperanza de libertad puede llevarle a Morth de Atlántida, el enigmático brujo que mató a su padre... Larry Niven y Jerry Pournelle, en su octava colaboración, se alejan de la ciencia ficción más dura para crear un reino mágico lleno de brujos, guerreros, talismanes y monstruos.

Cuando Ahmed, de doce años, hijo del jefe de una caravana, se cae una noche de su camello, se encuentra solo y perdido entre las dunas desérticas y se echa a llorar. Las lágrimas de Ahmed caen y despiertan al antiguo dios Gonn-BennAlá, Guardián de los Fantasmas de Nombres Perdidos, que dormía bajo las arenas. Resucitado por primera vez en docenas de miles de años, el majestuoso Gonn le cuenta al niño la historia que los ha unido, y le concede el don de volar. Juntos se elevan en el aire nocturno, y a través del tiempo y el espacio Gonn muestra al fascinado Ahmed las maravillas -y las penas- del mundo. Con cada sorprendente revelación, Ahmed encuentra un poco más de sabiduría y terminará por aceptar lo que la vida le ofrece.