John Brockman sostén que a ciencia é a única noticia, o único verdadeiramente novidoso que hai hoxe sobre a Terra. Na ciencia sempre hai algo novo: a internet, as células-nai, as vacinas contra a SIDA, as probas de ADN, os avances contra o alzhéimer, a loita contra o cambio climático. Ningunha empresa ten o monopolio dos números. Ningunha nación ten a soberanía sobre a adenina e a guanina. Ningún imperio goberna as ondas cuánticas, a astrofísica ou o cálculo diferencial. Hoxe debe haber sitio para todos na celebración do coñecemento, unha verdade que non se pode vender nin mercar nin impoñer pola forza, nin conter nin evitar. A ciencia é imparable. Exogamia 0.3 reúne media ducia de relatos, non estritamente literarios, suxestivos e non pechados, que permiten abrir un debate necesario sobre algúns dos temas candentes do noso tempo, cuestións nas que a ciencia é protagonista, problemas decisivos para a humanidade aos que ninguén pode quedar alleo.
Simon Smiley E.T. descubre el Sistema Solar E.T. se encuentra en el lugar perfecto para explorar el Sistema Solar. Puede explorar los planetas y averiguar montones de cosas sobre los asteroides y los cometas. La curiosidad innata de E.T. le convierte en un perfecto guía para los más pequeños que, junto a él, descubrirán muchos datos interesantes. Su entrañable personalidad y su peculiar sentido del humor hacen de estos libros un placer para leer y coleccionar.
Eighteen year olds often have problems, especially those who constantly have to move to new towns where they don’t know a soul. Sonnet Gray however, is not your typical eighteen year old. When her family moves, they don’t just move to new towns, they move to new centuries. She and her family are members of the Lost; a group of time travelers who have no control over when and where their journeys take them. Hopelessly old-fashioned, and yet more modern than most girls her age, Sonnet is fluent in several different languages, and takes care of the motley crew she calls family by working in a coffee shop and playing the guitar. When she finds herself in 21st century America, she encounters a curious cast of characters. Some change her life for the better, while others seem to cause her nothing but heartache. With each journey through time, the Lost are forced to leave behind the ones they love. Though they make new friends along the way, no one will ever take the place of Sonnet’s sister Rose, who was left behind as a child in the fifteenth century. The ghost of her sister seems to beckon to her no matter where she finds herself, but are the sisters destined to be reunited, or does fate have other plans? A ghost story with a sci-fi Gothic twist, Shadows Gray will keep you up at night wondering if the redemptive power of love is enough to change history.
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From a USA Today bestselling author comes a novelette in the Mind Dimensions series. This short story does not require you to have read the other books in the series. I can stop time, but I can't change anything. I can access memories, but not far enough. My name is Mira, and my life is about finding the Russian mobster who killed my family.