Biografía: deporte

Susan Stewart is an Olympic athlete who represented Canada in the 1996 Atlanta Olympics as a member of the women's basketball team. She also represented Canada as a player at the FIBA World Championship, the FIBA World Olympic Qualifying tournament, the Pan American Games and the FISU World Student Games. Sue has enjoyed a vibrant career, teaching and coaching basketball teams throughout Canada and the United States. She has also accumulated a long list of accomplishments, including a Master of Arts Degree in Sports Ministry. In 2005, Sue suffered a tragic accident that left her with a brain injury that threatened to take her life. After years of rehabilitation and a miraculous recovery, she has made it her life's goal to motivate others to push beyond their limitations. Today, Sue resides in Mississauga, Ontario where she spends her days living a life worth remembering.

Escapadas es la historia del ciclismo, contada en orden cronológico a través de cincuenta biografías resumidas de otras tantas personalidades que han influido en la evolución de este deporte, desde finales del siglo diecinueve hasta la actualidad.

El cel és blanc-i-blau, i encara més des d'aquell 8 d'agost en què se'n va anar sense donar temps als comiats. La família de Dani Jarque, els amics, els companys d'equip, els rivals al camp el recorden tal com era a través de les seves vivències: un gran futbolista i una persona immensa. Amb aquestes 21 històries del 21 es ret homenatge a un jugador excepcional del RCD Espanyol que va lluir el braçalet de capità amb l'orgull que només pot sentir algú que ha estimat intensament els colors del club.

Esta obra habla de uno de los miedos más antiguos que existen: el miedo a la incertidumbre, especialmente del miedo del deportista a enfrentarse a lo desconocido, a perder el control de la vida, a tener que dejar de hacer lo que mejor sabe hacer para comenzar algo nuevo, el miedo a un cambio radical y absoluto. El miedo de quién se encuentra en plenitud física y no deja de ser un jubilado que se ve obligado a un adiós definitivo a lo que ha consagrado su vida.

“Tú me ves negro y lúgubre ahora, pero yo soy el sol. Yo era el sol de los pelotones, el calor y la generosidad, la luz que daba vida y emoción a las carreras. Yo era todo eso, yo era el ciclismo que amaba la gente. Y después una nube negra de tormenta cubrió el cielo”. Esta es la historia de Luis Ocaña, el ciclista, el campeón, un maldito del deporte español, publicada por primera vez en castellano 40 años después de la victoria del genio de Priego en el Tour y al cabo de 20 de su desaparición. Una historia que marcó a toda una generación, la que se hizo mayor durante los últimos años del franquismo y los primeros de la Transición, inmersa en un paisaje emocional teñido por el heroísmo y la tragedia de aquel deportista enigmático, fascinante y contradictorio. Una historia explicada como nunca antes: la novela de una vida para una vida de novela. Carlos Arribas es periodista especializado en ciclismo del diario El País. Es coautor de Locos por el Tour y Cumbres de leyenda, obras de referencia de la literatura ciclística en español.

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

Tonico Puchades, que va nàixer a Sueca el dia 4 de juny de 1925, és una llegenda del València C. F. Va disputar més de 300 partits amb l'equip de la seua ànima, va marcar 4 gols, va guanyar 1 lliga i 2 copes i, en el campionat del món de Brasil, l'any 1950, va ser elegit el millor migcampista del món.

Starting out as a high school student who aspired to be a sports agent, Justin Hunt went on to work as a salary cap administrator in an NFL team's front office and serve as a sports agent and attorney for professional athletes and coaches. Justin learned firsthand that sports is a relationships game, and he relied on the lessons he learned while networking with industry executives to develop his own networking plan outlined in this book. From Mascot To Agent highlights the careers of 11 high-level executives occupying very different roles in the sports industry. Justin met individually with his contributors to obtain their career advice and gain an understanding of each role's duties and responsibilities. With this information and the detailed steps outlined in Justin's ASSESS, DEVELOP, IMPLEMENT approach to networking, you will learn to: Conduct a self-assessment to identify which positions in the industry align with your greatest strengths;  Develop a networking plan that targets industry executives in a position to help you succeed; Connect with these professionals and make them more inclined to assist in your pursuit of a career in sports. From Mascot To Agent looks at what may be perceived as unrealistic, unobtainable positions in sports and offers a strategic, realistic action plan to launch your career in sports and secure the positions of your dreams.