El cuaderno de trabajo que se pone a disposición de los alumnos de la asignatura Derecho civil: persona y bienes a impartir en el primer curso del Grado en Derecho no tiene otro objetivo que el de ayudarles a su preparación y estudio, facilitando el mane
Pintor, escritor... Quintanilla representa al artista polifacético de principios del siglo XX cuya apasionante y tormentosa vida se ve dividida entre Europa y Norteamérica. Es aquí donde produce la mayoría de su obra literaria. Sus vastos conocimientos en pintura le orientan a realizar este estudio comparativo inacabado sobre los más representativos pintores, desde el siglo XIV hasta el XIX, enriqueciendolo con interesantísimas interpretaciones personales. Ambos volúmenes se presentan en caja.
1-2-3 are now acknowledged as having a major influence on what became of music in the 1970s. Yet the band disappeared without trace in history, only to surface decades later, in circumstances that Mojo Magazine described as "Archaeology" . The man behind it all, Billy Ritchie, vanished from the radar and the music business completely, going out with a bang, refusing interviews or contact with anything to do with it - Until now. In typically forthright fashion, he tells his true story, without fear or favour, naming names and shaming those who took his legacy, but also giving credit to those who lived true to their own spirit.?
THE postcard on the cover of this book says it all. The card was written by John Lennon and sent to his friend Chris Hutchins. On the card?s photograph of the Beatles, John had drawn a fifth member ? the founder of the group Stuart Sutcliffe who John went on to describe as the best friend he ever had. This is the kind of confidence John, Paul George and Ringo shared with writer Hutchins who they befriended in their days as ?unknowns? in Hamburg. He shared their adventures during the heady days of Beatlemania; he was with them during their American tours in the 60s, sharing their euphoria and their sad moments. It was, for example, at Hutchins? Chelsea apartment that Paul met the actress Jane Asher, who he later became engaged to. And it was Hutchins who arranged a party with Elvis Presley, the man they had always wanted to meet ? alas, a meeting which was to cause a cataclysmic feud between Presley and Lennon which the author explains in detail along with how President Nixon and J Edgar Hoover got involved. This is the Beatles story from the inside . . .
El 23 de marzo de 2010 la Universidad de Zaragoza concedió el grado de doctor honoris causa a José Antonio Labordeta, profesor, escritor, periodista, cantautor, político y, posiblemente, el aragonés más conocido y querido dentro y fuera de nuestra Comunidad. Precede al ceremonial de investidura y al discurso pronunciado por el nuevo doctor el elogio al doctorando del profesor Eloy Fernández Clemente.