Autoayuda y desarrollo personal

Aprender meditación zen es una guía profusamente ilustrada que transmite, con absoluta claridad y sencillez, la esencia de la meditación zen, una práctica que cuenta con cada vez más seguidores en Occidente, gracias a su interés en la experiencia directa y no en el dogma, así como a su énfasis en el mundo natural, la armonía personal y el valor de la experiencia cotidiana. Combinando inspiradoras ilustraciones con más de 25 ejercicios únicos en su género, el conocido maestro de meditación David Fontana, autor de Aprender a soñar y Aprender a meditar, ofrece al lector un programa de meditación que enseña, de manera fácil y agradable, todas las habilidades clave de la meditación zen, con soluciones para las diversas dificultades que puedan surgir durante su práctica. El libro muestra cómo el zen puede ayudarnos a afrontar con mayor eficacia el estrés y los retos que conlleva la vida cotidiana, tanto en el seno de la familia como en las relaciones personales o la vida laboral. Pone de manifiesto asimismo su utilidad para alcanzar una mayor armonía con la naturaleza y con los demás, y para aprender a afrontar las emociones y estimular el crecimiento espiritual.

A fulfilling life can be found in the balance of?the appreciation and enjoyment of your current reality and the desire to?amplify the good in your life and create an even greater reality than you currently enjoy. The Catalyst Journal was carefully designed to help YOU create your most fulfilling life.?An amazing and fulfilling life does not happen by accident. We must constantly remind ourselves to remain present and grateful as we seek to fulfill our dreams! The catch is that each person's definition of an amazing and fulfilling life is completely different. The Catalyst Journal acknowledges this fact by using prompts to guide you through identifying and creating YOUR version of an amazing and fulfilling life, rather than telling you what you should pursue or suggesting that your ideal life is dependent on the achievement of an outcome.?The Catalyst Journal begins with a deep-dive, soul-searching session that is designed to help you find clarity about what your ideal life looks like. After completing this session, you will begin plotting the course to fulfill your vision for your ideal life. In approximatel

Celebrations?is one of eighteen?niche journals making up the Color Your World Journal Series. Each journal in the series has been given a specific theme so you can organize your ideas, inspirations, and things you want to remember.If you?re like most people, you have a journal (or even two or three journals) where you write anything and everything about anything and everything. The challenge comes when you?re trying to find something that you?ve written. You flip and flip through the pages of your two, three, or four journals trying to find whatever it is. A niche journal offers you a solution!The Color Your World Journal Series is journaling without limits. You will love the beautiful watercolor designs. And you need big unlined paper to record big ideas, dreams, and memories. You need room to grow, stretch, and expand with space to think beyond the confines of what you?ve always done.You?re encouraged to journal using colored pens and markers. Your world doesn?t happen in black and white. Your life should be lived and written about in many colors.Learn more about the author and all of her books at annetteb

Dating, Women and Relationships. Three Things that all Men Want. Loving, Fulfilling Relationships The Best and most Loving Relationships begin with Friendship. Yet most men immediately try to take the leap to intimacy, skipping that vital first step, and thus wind up frustrated and unhappy. Not to mention, the so-called relationships they do achieve are not fulfilling and long-lasting. Do you want to know how to be friends with women? Have you always struggled around women? Do you find it difficult to talk to them? Understand them? And...of course, date them? Men, You Can Have Fulfilling Relationships Men can be their own worst enemy because the way they treat women sabotages their efforts. By focusing on friendship instead of immediately shooting for the bedroom men will find their relationships are happier, longer lasting and more fulfilling. Men, did you know that it is possible to be friends with a woman? A revelation, I know. But for some people, that is a serious statement. Did you also know that, contrary to popular belief, you can be "just friends" with more than one woman? Believe me, frie

Siguiendo con su serie de libros de juegos para el óptimo desarrollo del bebé y el niño pequeño, varios de ellos publicados en esta colección, Jackie Silberg presenta ahora, con el mismo rigor y espíritu creativo, nuevas y atractivas propuestas para jugar con nuestros hijos. Los juegos y actividades incluidos en este libro estimulan el desarrollo de todos los sentidos del pequeño, y al mismo tiempo lo ayudan a conocer mejor su entorno por la vía sensorial, es decir, tocando, saboreando, viendo, oliendo y escuchando. A partir de su dilatada experiencia en el asesoramiento a padres y madres con hijos pequeños, la autora presenta más de 200 juegos y actividades, agrupados por los distintos sentidos. A título de ejemplo, cabe citar: ?El truco de la vibración?, ?Ojos, tijeras y cartulina?, ?¿Qué puedo hacer con las manos??, ?Oliendo por el camino?, ?¿Cómo se llama este sabor??, ?El juego de los cinco sentidos?...