La mayoría de las personas tenemos una idea equivocada acerca de lo que debe ser la confianza en uno mismo y por esto no desarrollamos en nuestras vidas el tipo de confianza que necesitamos para conseguir nuestros objetivos, contactar con nuestro poder interior, convertirnos en la persona que siempre hemos deseado ser y vivir una existencia plena y satisfactoria.Lleno de inspiración y profunda sabiduría, este libro le servirá para desarrollar la confianza y la seguridad en usted mismo en aspectos fundamentales de su vida. También le ayudará a superar los miedos que le impiden hacer una vida más apasionada y satisfactoria.
Si el universo es una proyección de nuestro interior y el horóscopo un símbolo de nuestro potencial, la colección Nuevas Tendencias en Astrología se propone explorar el movimiento de los cuerpos celestes para encontrar las claves del comportamiento humano, devolviendo a la Astrología su significado primordial de instrumento del conocimiento.
Destiny's Highway -Right In Front of Your Face is an all-inspiring read. Michael Quirk uses a fictional story with characters in real life situations to share his wisdom and experience in teaching people to heal themselves in a profound way. Michael, a trained engineer and former psychologist/hypnotherapist , has spent 30 years as a therapist perfecting his truly unique and mind-blowing, simple methodology to heal people and to propel them into their true destiny. What makes this material unique is that Michael uses the same principle for everyone; it applies no matter what age, sex, social or working stature or background, no matter the situation. Michael shows us that we are struggling on some level of our lives and this struggle highlights our unworthiness. It is this unworthiness that Michael uses his (sadness to warmth) technique to clear all past issues and to help people learn empathy and to love themselves. They can then use this new found worthiness to create fulfillment, love and happiness. The material works on a dynamic level, as it engages people on a feeling level. Michael's philosophy thro
En algunas sociedades nativas americanas, los líderes tribales se preguntaron: ¿qué pasaría si consultamos a nuestras mujeres mayores sobre los problemas que enfrenta nuestra comunidad global hoy? Este libro presenta las ideas y la sabiduría de trece abuelas indígenas de los cinco continentes. Las abuelas nos transmiten sus conocimientos sobre temas como la crianza de nuestras familias; la salud física y mental; y nos trasladan su preocupación sobre la destrucción, la contaminación, las atrocidades de la guerra, el azote global de la pobreza, la amenaza de las armas.
Billboards, TV commercials, radio jingles-they all sell us the same story. "You can buy happiness! The more money you make, the fuller your life will be." So we buy the shiny new sports car, the sleek designer wardrobe, the gorgeous two-story house. We work hard and make a handsome profit from our labors . . . and yet we still feel empty inside. We've all been sold a bill of goods by the dominant consumer culture: that we can spend our way to happiness. In his new book, Tim McCarthy reveals why this simply isn't true. Like so many Americans, Tim spent years chasing the dream of material wealth, only to find that the promised rewards were empty and unsatisfying. In a voice that is instantly relatable, he recounts his personal journey of frozen assets, lost jobs, and liquidity events, speaking candidly about his own struggles with depression. A Journey to Engaged Philanthropy is the story of one man's path to true abundance-the kind that is not reliant on wealth or material gain. But the book is for anyone who has ever thought, "I have everything I ever wanted. Why am I unhappy?" The story will resonate deep
"Minimalist Living Explained" helps the reader to understand what minimalism is and also to understand how adapting the principles of minimalism can help to alleviate a lot of the problems that many people have on a daily basis like debt and clutter. A lot of people do not fully understand what minimalism is and do not place a lot of value on it. They may think that it is people who are thrifty that adapt this principle. If the aim is to be happy and debt free then minimalism is the way to go.