Aprendizaje temprano/conceptos de aprendizaje temprano

Margotu marrazkia. Koloretako marrek zer koloretako margoa erabili behar den adierazten dute.... Itsatsi eta margotu ondoren, irakurri eta gozatu egin duzun lanaz!

Give your child a head start at school with this bumper book of games and activities, specially reviewed by educational experts. Then wipe the pages clean and play all over again! • Fun, wipe clean exercises kids will love to come back to again and again • Expert reviewed content covers all core learning points for kids in preschool and early Key Stage 1 • Packed with characterful illustrations to keep even reluctant learners amused

Pablo pronto tendra? un hermanito, Martina se pregunta por que? ella so?lo tiene una mama? y Juan recuerda cuando le adoptaron...Con las familias pasa lo mismo que con las personas: todas son distintas, no hay dos iguales. Pero todas tienen algo en comu?n, aquello que hace que para cada uno de nosotros, nuestra familia sea la mejor del mundo: ¡que nos queremos!Mi familia es una historia creada con el asesoramiento del equipo me?dico de Dexeus Mujer e ilustrada por Cristina Losantos. Con ella, los pequen?os lectores se acercara?n a la variedad de familias con las que conviven cada di?a y descubrira?n las diferentes formas de concebir un bebe?.

This Little Story offers a journey through the life and artistic career of the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo. The book tells her childhood and youth, marked by illness and a serious accident, explains how she began to paint, how she was influenced by Mexican Muralism Movement and how was her life with Diego Rivera. This Little Story has been published in English and in Spanish.