This publication features the visual story of graffiti in Barcelona, a city that has become today a meeting point and 'concrete canvas' for graffiti artists from whole over the world. Barcelona 1000 graffitis has a preface by Josep Maria Català, Professor of the Aesthetics of the Image at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). The book kicks off with essays by Julián Álvarez and Rosa Puig in which they explain the genesis of the project and the reasons for it. Barcelona 1000 graffitis documents the enormous diversity of graffiti throughout the city, a cause for wonder and admiration for some, for concern for the authorities and for desperation for the owners of facades besmirched by night. The graffiti collected in this book are found in different areas-from the very centre of the city to its outskirts-and present widely varying themes and tones-be they poetic, militant, segregationist-in such a way that they compete with the visual contamination typical of the city and contribute to enriching its landscape. The photographs reflect the surprised gaze of the author, at once captivated by 'graphic pieces' that, in her words, 'I would rip off the walls and hang in my house.' The book closes with a list of the creators of the graffiti and the streets where the photos were taken.