We all know ?the 300 Spartans?, a 1962 Cinemascope film, and ?300?, another American film made in 2006 which depicted the story of the Battle of Thermopylae, which occurred between a force of Greek warriors led by the Spartans, and the Persians. This fight occurred dur?ing the second Persian invasion of Greece, part of Greco-Persian wars in 480 BC, when the Persians crossed the Hellespont under the com?mand of the Persian Empire of Xerxes I and were blocked at the pass of Thermopylae by a small force led by King Leonidas I of Sparta. This fight became a symbol of courage against overwhelming odds because the army of the Spartans consisted of just of 300 warriors and the Per?sian force was enormous. According to the story told by the films, the Spartans bravely fought against the Persians instead of surrendering.See all Actual Archaelogy series at?iboo.com/en/actual-archaelogy?