What else is inside our new issue?Meeting at its 37th session, from 16-27 June in Cambodia, the World Heritage Committee added four new sites from Turkey to the Tentative List of World Cultural and Natural Heritage. Together with them, the total number of heritages from Turkey reached 41.The excavations conducted at ?Balatlar Church?, which is in the city of Sinop in the Black Sea Region of Turkey, revealed important reliquaries. It is known that, a great number of churches belonging to early periods are dedicated to saints who sacrificed their lives for their religious beliefs and their relics are preserved in reliquaries placed in the altar or the crypt, together with a piece of the real cross of Christ.A privileged tour in history will also charm you with an important Hellenistic capital: Pergamon.See all Actual Archaelogy series atiboo.com/en/actual-archaelogy?