Resultados de la búsqueda para: John Connolly

Jerome Burnel was once a hero. He intervened to prevent multiple killings and in doing so damned himself. His life was torn apart. He was imprisoned, brutalized. But in his final days, with the hunters circling, he tells his story to private detective Charlie Parker. He speaks of the girl who was marked for death but was saved, of the ones who tormented him, and an entity that hides in a ruined stockade. Parker is not like other men. He died, and was reborn. He is ready to wage war. Now he will descend upon a strange, isolated community called the Cut, and face down a force of men who rule by terror, intimidation, and murder. All in the name of the being they serve. All in the name of the Dead King.

Charlie Parker ha tornat. Desposseït de la credencial d’investigador privat, i vigilat per la policia, en Parker treballa en un bar de Portland i tracta de no ficar-se en problemes. Mentrestant, a la rebotiga avança en el cas més personal de la seva carrera: les circumstàncies esgarrifoses que envolten la mort del seu pare, Will, expolicia de Nova York que va matar una parella jove abans de suïcidar-se. Aquesta investigació revelarà una vida plena de mentides, marcada per la traïció, per secrets guardats i per lleialtats en perill. Però altres forces entraran en joc, amagades entre les ombres. Dues figures, un home i una dona, tindran un únic propòsit: posar fi a l’existència d’en Parker.