Dating, Women and Relationships. Three Things that all Men Want. Loving, Fulfilling Relationships The Best and most Loving Relationships begin with Friendship. Yet most men immediately try to take the leap to intimacy, skipping that vital first step, and thus wind up frustrated and unhappy. Not to mention, the so-called relationships they do achieve are not fulfilling and long-lasting. Do you want to know how to be friends with women? Have you always struggled around women? Do you find it difficult to talk to them? Understand them? And...of course, date them? Men, You Can Have Fulfilling Relationships Men can be their own worst enemy because the way they treat women sabotages their efforts. By focusing on friendship instead of immediately shooting for the bedroom men will find their relationships are happier, longer lasting and more fulfilling. Men, did you know that it is possible to be friends with a woman? A revelation, I know. But for some people, that is a serious statement. Did you also know that, contrary to popular belief, you can be "just friends" with more than one woman? Believe me, frie