* Matriarch of the Bronner family * The How-To on rearing six successful children * The How-To on successful marriages ...no divorces among any of the children * How her husband became a millionaire * The advice her mother gave her on getting a good husband. When she followed it she got her husband on the FIRST DAY. * The inner struggles of family * How God guided and provided during the trials and troubles of teenage boys * The lineage and the tap root system * The health rules that kept the family healthy * The spiritual experiences that will help you rid yourself of jealousy and hate * A walk through the 23rd Psalms * Why you may not be able to accumulate more than a certain amount of money * Why 80% of her sons became ministers * The Birthing Chamber * Keeping a marriage fresh * Family finances in tight times * How we coped with two sons delving into the music business * Grandma's Boot Camp * ...and much more