For some unfathomable reason, at the age of 49 Jean Tyrrell decided to take up sailing. After having completed a basic competent crew course, she surprised herself and everyone else by becoming obsessed with the idea of sailing round Great Britain. To do this successfully, she needed crew. The ideal team member would be Bob her husband, so she set herself the task of recruiting him to accompany her. She also needed to accumulate more sailing certificates and get lots of sailing practice. Somewhere along the way, a brave and hardy boat called Bella Rosa was also recruited to share the experience. The three month trip around Britain was a mind blowing adventure for the Tyrrells. Sailing in unpredictable British waters was a constant challenge full of excitement, trepidation, beautiful scenery, industrial wastelands, a cupboard full of decent wine, fish and chips by the bucket load and a good cake in every port. Surprisingly, they made it all the way round, including the top bit, with all limbs and teeth intact. They arrived back where they started in Lymington, happy to have discovered that Britain and its pe