David Brindle of The Guardian writes in his Foreword to the book:"Thirty years is no time at all in the scheme of things. Yet it seems an altogether different era when you look back to the 1980s and reflect that?we were still sending people with learning disabilities to long-stay hospitals as a matter of course. We?ve come a long way since then. It?s easy to forget that when you despair at the state of things: the brutal cuts we have seen in the welfare state to pay for the banking crash a decade ago; the continuing struggle of disabled people to secure their rights as equal citizens; the shocking hate crime that anyone who looks and sounds different is always in danger of suffering. There is, indeed, much to despair about."But here?s a cause of celebration: a book by and about someone born with?a learning disability, albeit not especially severe, who was one of the first generation to be not at risk of being consigned to hospital for good and who has gone on to lead a rich, rewarding life and to make an important contribution to the emancipation of disabled people. Simon Cramp is today one of the most well-