Welcome to the adventures of the adorable and curious pug named Niele. He is a 3-month-old puppy whose name means ?curious? in Hawaiian and it describes him well as he explores the world around him, meets his new family and friends, and has exciting adventures. ?Book 1: The Adventures Begin? tells the story of Niele?s journey to his new home in Hawai?i and meeting his new family and making friends. Travel along with him and see how his curiosity helps him learn about the world and where his adventures lead next. The book series ?Niele the Curious Pug? provides a learning tool for your child through a very curious pug?s fun-filled adventures. Niele?s inquisitive personality and expressions provide an adorable photographic story as well as an opportunity for exploration and entertainment. Each book is devoted to a particular area of life and is told from a dog?s perspective -- Niele?s eyes are as curious as any child?s. Everywhere he travels he makes new friends and enjoys lots of attention with each day truly bringing a new adventure.