Do your children complain about the things they don't have? Do they believe they are not as smart, athletic, talented, or 'cool' as other kids? Twee' does! Do you ever wish your children understood how being different makes them unique and special, with their own gifts to share? Twee' does! Read "I am Twee'" together and share the discovery! Twee' is a bit older now, but is she wiser? In this second picture book-allegory from Susie's "Between You And Me" series, this young pine tree feels useless because she has nothing to share. Twee' notices the apple trees in the valley offer many gifts, which draw children and adults to visit them. However, the people don't even see Twee', and she begins to wish she were an apple tree. After many seasons, Twee' is ready to give up, when an unusual event changes her mind. Join Twee' as she journeys to discover that by being herself and different she has something special to contribute.