It is the first in a series titled 'Financially Fit'. My motivation for writing this series came from seeing thousands of people, including close friends and family, struggle with money throughout their working lives, never reaching a point of financial freedom. At the surface it seems so simple: provide for yourself today, whilst building your wealth to a point where you are financially secure enough to support yourself for the time when you no longer want, or are unable, to work. However, the reality is very different for most people. Very few ever achieve true financial security and the majority of the population find that "money worries" rob them of their day-to-day peace of mind. From a young age I saw my parents struggle with this as well. Arguments over money - how and where it was being spent, and worry over whether there would be enough to last until the next payday, let alone trying to save extra for the future placed tremendous stress on their marriage. This was ultimately a major factor in their divorce when I was in my early 20s. This shocked me. I couldn't understand why they were