This edition having both the Greek and English texts side-by-side is designed for the scholar and the layman alike. Both Ivan Panin?s Greek critical text and his English translation are of the highest caliber and rank at the top their respective fields. This edition, suitable for researcher and reader alike, includes the full introductions, notes, and papers in which Panin goes into great detail regarding his methodology and the precise manner in which ?Numerics? is used to accurately assess the text.It is difficult to summarize Panin?s work because many know him only as the investigator into Numerics. Suffice it to say that Panin was a Harvard-educated literary scholar fully competent to translate the Scriptures and determine textual readings with or without Numerics. The discovery of Numerics and the subsequent willingness to devote a lifetime to the systematic study of it takes Panin?s work into a category of its own; one that adds a new dimension to an already established scholarly work. It is worth noting that NA28, as scholars continue to improve it, has consistently been getting closer to Panin?s crit