In an increasingly uncertain and hostile world, we are witnessing the symptoms of an existential crisis. Where Christianity once provided the Occident with the basis for unity, that foundation no longer exists. In its place, new atheists promise an enlightened age of secular reason based on science. But there is a problem with their empty promise... their science has ceased to be scientific. Likewise, Darwinian science, evolution by natural selection, is inconsistent with nature and the law of entropy. It omits a crucial ingredient that is essential to life?s ability to resist the tendency to disorder (entropy)... Mind. There exists a theoretical framework for mind stuff, however, in the semiotic sciences. Informed by the semiotic narrative, Stephen Jarosek examines the problems that are playing out in our cultural zeitgeist. He provides a solution that is of scientific and cultural relevance. Science can become more spiritual only by becoming more scientific. Transcending Scientism is Stephen Jarosek?s answer to a world where science has ceased to be scientific and democracy has ceased to be democratic.