With the death of Franco, Spanish architecture came out of its isolationist shell and subscribed to the international tendencies of the day, whilst always incorporating the special features of a rich and at the same time self-sufficient tradition. Since that time there have been many Spanish architects who have carved out an internationally renowned career for themselves-from Rafael Moneo and Enric Miralles to members of the younger generation like RCR and Tuñón + Mansilla-but even more important is the substratum of small studios concerned with quality architecture that have gradually emerged throughout the country. Away from the traditional focal points of Spanish architecture-Madrid and Barcelona-, the Sevillean studio MGM Arquitectos stands out among this new batch of Spanish architects, adding a peripheral condition of sorts to the substratum of good workmanship. MGMs outstanding work with skins and their materials is not restricted to merely epidermal issues, but rather envelops and contains a whole series of intermediary spaces that are neither exterior nor interior, that give an added value to both apartment and public buildings, and pick up in turn on a whole tradition of intermediary spaces typical of Andalusian architecture.